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At four months my belly was bigger than before. I was surprised when Jeff paid me a visit, he hasn't been around the past couple of weeks.
"My--my. What have you been eating Pam, growth fertilizer," Jeff teased me.
"Don't even start, this is your godchild you should be happy he/she is being supplied enough nutrition Mr."
"Please do take care of them, I can't wait to see them. How have you been though? How is that idiot of a husband of yours?"

"Where to begin. Gina has officially moved in, and they are engaged. I haven't told his parents or mine of this nonsense or else my dad will definitely kill him. I don't want to be a pregnant widow," I laughed. "He still doesn't talk to me, but I have grown immune to his silence."

"I have given up on him to be honest with you. I guess you have noticed my absence these past couple of weeks. I will only talk to him when he opens his eyes to see what's right in front of him. Anyway I have to get going Pam, call me if you need anything, I am here for you, always."
"Thank you Jeff, it's friends like you who give me the strength to endure." If you can't stop by, feel free to call."
"Before I forget, I got you the latest season of Last Man Standing, hopefully it will keep you in a lighter mood," he said handing her the dvd. "Take care of yourself. Oh one more thing, when is your next ultrasound?"
"Next week, I will text you the details. Everyone will be there they want to see these little munchkins too," she said as she walked him out.


James arrived early from work, with Gina of course. As usual I took a cup of tea for my husband. He was in his office, and as I entered the room, I found Gina heading towards me as if to leave the office. She purposefully tripped me, and this resulted in the contents of the cup spilling down onto the carpet and myself sprawling to the floor. Quickly placing a protective arm on my belly, I landed on my left side not wanting my babies to be harmed. Pain shot out through my shoulder.

Trying to get up, I felt a cold hand slap me on my face, leaving my skin tingling from the painful sensation as blood pulled to my cheek.
"Watch where you go, you almost hurt me," Gina said in a harsh tone turning to leave the room.
I was about to give her a piece  of my own mind when I was yanked up roughly by none other than my dear husband.

"You clumsy fool, couldn't you see were you were going. Now clean up this mess, this instant," he yelled shaking me.
"Why can't you do anything right; cook you can't do, clean the house you can't do that either, what use are you. Yet you call yourself a wife. Make sure my carpet is clean by the time I get back in here, or else!" he said in a threatening manner nostrils flared like that of a bull before it takes charge.
My whole life flashed before my eyes, as realization dawned on me. I had to either protect my marriage or my baby, and I knew I would choose my baby any day.

He stormed out of his office leaving me in tears of pain. My shoulder was killing me, as I went to get the cleaning supplies.
Just as I was about to start cleaning the carpet, he walked into the office.
"What are you still doing here, get out now!"
Quickly getting up, I left his office, and told Maria to call Jeff, as I was too shaken up to call him myself. I couldn't stay here another night. These people would hurt my child, I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't go back to my parents house. I just couldn't bear to cause them any more pain and also I feared what they would say. So my next best option would be to go to my in-laws, they would better understand my predicament since it was their son causing all the chaos in my life.

Jeff came as soon as he received a call from Maria. On seeing Pam in tears and hurt he felt an uncontrollable rage build up inside but told himself it would be useless to show anger at such a time. Getting into a fist fight would not help the situation but only make it worse. Maria had already helped Pam pack a bag, and as she walked down the staircase, she saw Gina at the bottom of the staircase.

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