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It was getting hard for me to do simple things by myself, which really frustrated me. I allowed James to help me into my seat as we settled down for dinner, he had let go of my hand as he took his seat and I already missed the warmth. I helped myself to some rice and beef stew. James added a scoop of mashed potatoes and vegetables into my plate and I thanked him. As we ate in silence I finally looked up at him, putting my fork down, it was so quiet one could hear a pin drop.

"James. I think we should get a divorce. This marriage has not been beneficial to either of us."
He dropped his fork with a clutter as he looked up at me.
"To be honest all I got out of this union was pain aside from new friends, and these babies of course. I thought we could make us work. I tried my best but you kept pushing me way.
"Pam," he whispered.

Holding up my hand to silence him I continued talking as I also willed myself to control my emotions.
"Not once did I object to you saying I should stop working, but then you brought your so called fiancé, who you work with, and rubbed it in my face even more. Not once did you stand up for me, even when she tripped me and hurt me in the process. You chose her over me. So my only solution for you, is for us to dissolve this marriage peacefully.
You already said you wanted nothing to do with my children, so you might as well sign off any parental rights you have over them as well," I told him as I stood up to get the papers from the side table.

With shaking hands I handed him the papers so he could sign them as I took my seat.
"Pam," he said standing up and walking over to the french doors that led to the veranda. "Pam I know saying sorry will not take away the pain I have put you through. Please give me one more chance, I will make this marriage work. Please give us a chance," he said looking at her with a pained expression. "My parents aren't even talking to me now, you are all I have. Please don't leave me too, please."

I looked at him, thinking if I should give him another chance. The babies decided to start kicking at that time. He must have noticed my discomfort as he quickly came towards me.
"What is wrong?"
Laughing at him I said," The babies just gave you a stamp of approval, I guess that means we will give you another chance. But you only have one chance or else I will leave you and take my children away," I warned him as I wiped his tears away.

Still in shock he smiled and asked if he could feel the babies move. I watched as he gently placed his hands on my stomach, as soon as he touched me the babies got excited.
"You should know, there are three babies, which explain the extra pounds. We are having two boys and a girl."

James sat down on his chair, shocked by this news.
"Please forgive me, Pam. I was a fool, to have hurt you in this state," he muttered with his hands covering his face.
Standing up I walked up to him and pulled his hands away from his face.
"It's okay. Though it will take time to forgive you and we will have to take things slowly. It's hard to forget what you did. Now can we have dinner, I am starving," I said trying to lighten up the mood.

We had our dinner in comfortable silence. James was surprised by the amount of food I ate, but happy to see me eat to my heart's content. Deciding that is was safer for him to not drive after drinking alcohol, I offered him one of the rooms to stay in for the night. Sunday morning I woke up to go to church. This was something that I always did, and missed going for the Sunday service with my family. James was more than happy to accompany me to my morning service, after he changed into more decent clothes at his house.

In the afternoon Jeff and Sammy came by and were surprised to see James in my house.


"What is he doing here?" Jeff growled angrily.
"Jeff let me explain everything," James said getting up from his seat.
"No, you think you can come back into her life after the way you treated her." Turning to Pam he said, "You should have called me as soon as he showed his face here. He was not man enough to take care of you when you needed him the most, now he thinks he can waltz back into your life."
"Jeff please calm down and let me explain."
"No, this idiot should leave right now, before I do some serious damage!"

"Honey please calm down and talk to your friend in a civilized manner," Sammy told her husband placing her hand on his cheek to calm him down. "Please hear James out, for me at least," she said softly.

She got ahold of Pam's hand, as they both waddled out of the living room heading towards the kitchen.
"Do you have any chips, I would die for some right about now."
"Yes of course, come let's go to my room and watch some movies. I don't want to hear what those two are talking about."
"Let's make some popcorn as well, what's a movie without popcorn right," Sammy said with a cheerful smile.


They started watching Blended and were both laughing to the point of crying. Both Jeff and James came into her room, and were shocked to see both ladies surrounded by chips and popcorn.
Jeff was the first to speak. "You shouldn't be eating a lot of junk food ladies."
"Why do you have to ruin our fun time," Sammy said. "You know what? Get out!" both ladies shouted the last part at them.
Knowing never to upset a pregnant woman both man retreated.
Jeff laughed saying, "I know what will get them to leave their room." Come my friend let's go do a little shopping."
James followed his friend with a confused expression.

James and Jeff had worked out their differences, as they headed out to Jeff's car. They went to a local butcher and purchased different cuts of meat, as well as fresh burger rolls. They passed by James house so he could change into fresh clothing. Maria had already prepared the marinating source, once they got back home. Both men got some drinks and started grilling the meat, once the first batch was done, Jeff laughed out loud when he saw both women coming out onto the veranda.

"Mmmm, something smells divine," Pam said as she went to the table to prepare a burger for her and Sammy."
"No, no, no sit down darling, you too Sammy. The only lifting you both will be doing is lifting the food to your mouths, James said as he helped both ladies settle down.
He went on to prepare their burgers for them and felt proud when his wife moaned in appreciation of her food.
"What did I tell you? I knew how to make them come down for something proper rather than chips," Jeff chuckled.

"What about the steaks, can we have some now," Sammy pouted giving Jeff her puppy dog eyes.
"It's not going to work today honey, these are for dinner."
"Please," Pam added looking up at James.
"Please Jeff," James whined making everyone burst out into laughter.
"Okay, okay. Fine, but only one piece each. And they are well done, I don't want any of you two falling sick.

We had dinner together that evening enjoying each other's company. I saw another side of James which I loved, gone was the ignorant man I had lived with, he actually had a good sense of humour and I couldn't help but fall for him some more. James left the same time as Jeff and Sammy did.
"I'll pass by tomorrow after work. Have a goodnight darling."

Every time he called me darling I couldn't help myself but blush.

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