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A month went by with James visiting me every evening. Slowly my trust in him grew. Each day he would accompany me on my walks around my neighborhood. I decided to pay my parents a visit; their place was an hour away from my house, but because of traffic it took some time for us to get there. Both of them were happy to see me, upon asking dad about his business, he asked me to look over some ledgers for him, which I gladly accepted.

My siblings were back in school as their holidays were over.
"So how have you been dear," my mom asked.
I told her how James and I were getting along, and how he has been taking better care of me this past month. We caught up on our favorite series, Devious maids, my mom and I made sure to never miss an episode. Just then we heard a car pull up on the driveway. A few minutes later I was surprised to see James walking into the living room.

"He greeted both my parents. My father showed no surprise at his unexpected visit, it seems he had been visiting them regularly, and had also apologized for his behavior from before. James asked me for a tour of the neighborhood I grew up in, I willingly accepted his request, as I had to stretch my legs.


"How was your day at work today?"
"Boring as always, I really missed you darling. How about your day?"
"Mine was very productive, helped daddy go over his business accounts. He doesn't trust his accountants pretty much."
"That's great to hear, so you didn't miss me at all?"
"Mmmm well," I said pretending to be in deep thought. "It was nice not having someone pestering me the whole day."
"Ouch," James said placing a hand over his chest. "Do I pester you that much."
"I love your pestering, it shows you care. I love you for that."
"I love you too darling."

I was shocked when he reciprocated my love for him, such that I didn't notice we had reached the local stores.
"Can I get a muffin?"
"Sure thing my lady. Your wish is my command," he said as we walked into the bakery laughing.
Pleasantly greeting the cashier, James asked her if they had any chocolate muffins. The cashier looked at me with a frown on her face. As she headed to the back to check if they had any muffins I heard her talking to one of the workers.

"Look who decided to show her face here Ben, none other than the immoral girl. She came in with another man, I bet you she must have lied to that one that he is the father of that baby. Now my mom is refusing for me to go out with any of my friends, saying I will come back home knocked up."

She came back with a frown still plastered on her face, sorry we don't have any. James had heard everything she had said, as I heard him say...
"May I speak to the owner please," I heard James say in a cold tone.
"Honey lets just go home, we can get them some other time," I whispered to him.
"No, if my wife wants something we will surely get it. And I will not allow anyway to speak ill of you. Not in my face," he said as he demanded for the owner once more.

By now I could see fear etched on the young girls features. The owner whom I knew very well came, he was very glad to see me.
"Pam! Is that you. I heard you got married, why wasn't I invited to the wedding young lady."
"Hello Mr Brown. Oh it was a small wedding Mr Brown, you didn't miss much," I chuckled. "This is my husband James Right," I introduced him as they shook hands.
"Mr Brown, it's a pleasure to meet you, my wife wanted some muffins, but we were just told there aren't any available. How long before a fresh batch is out?"
"Ah yes, I just had a fresh batch made, there is not need to wait. Chocolate flavored right Pam?"
"You know me all too well Mr B."

He went back to fetch some muffins for me. I was surprised to see him coming back with a box already packed in a plastic bag. James took the bag with a smirk on his face as he thanked Mr Brown.
As he was about to pay, Mr Brown refused the money, saying they were on the house.

I thanked him for his kindness, and gave the cashier a sweet smile, as we headed out. As soon as we exited the bakery I couldn't help but burst into laughter.
"Did you see the expression on her face when you asked to see the owner?"
James laughed along with her as they walked towards the supermarket.
"Wait, how did you know she was lying about the muffins?"
"That's the advantage of being tall my dear wife. When she came back from the kitchen I could easily see a fresh batch on the table behind her."
"Wow, my muffin hero," I teased him.

"Don't push it, otherwise this hero of yours won't get you your favorite milkshake and juice."
Looking up at him, I gave him my best puppy dog eyes knowing he would cave in and get me my milkshake no matter what.
As we made our way back home, I happily drank my milkshake, having a light conversation, while he drank his orange juice.

But then it started raining and we had not carried an umbrella at all. Good thing we were already close to the house, by the time we got inside we were both soaking wet though. I took a shower to warm myself up, and wore something warm. I found James already waiting for me having changed his clothing into something warm. He had some clothes in his car as he was staying over my house this weekend.

We left my parents house together as I had already told Jacob to go home earlier on. When we arrived home a fire was already burning in the living room fireplace. Silently thanking Thomas for thinking ahead, I greatly took a seat close to the warmth. James had gone to make some hot chocolate for us, and a few minutes he walked in carrying steaming cups towards the sofa I was sitting on.
"Thank you very much," I said as he handed me my cup.
"Careful it's very hot."

He must have seen me shiver because the next thing I knew he stood up and came back with an inflatable mattress and set it up. In no time the mattress was up. He took some blankets and pillows and set up a cozy bed in front of the fire.
As I settled down, he pulled me closer to him as I lay me head on his chest. This is how I dozed off.

An hour later I felt someone calling me.
"Sweetheart, wake up now, you have to eat then take your vitamins."
My stomach decided to grumble right then as I got up. With his help I sat up and gladly took the plate of pasta he handed me. My mouth watered at the smell of the roasted chicken.

"There is something I want to ask of you," James said as we had our dinner.
"Sure, ask away. You don't have to ask for my permission you know."
"Well I wanted to take you on a holiday, Jeff and Sammy will be coming with us they already agreed."
"I would love that, when were you planning on us leaving and for how long?"
"I hope next week is fine by you, and it's for two weeks. You don't have to worry about anything there is a doctor on stand by for you ladies in case of any emergency."
"It's alright darling, I know you boys will take care of everything. I could use a getaway from this city air. Plus I am sure Maria and Thomas will be happy to have some free time as well to see their children and grandkids.

After dinner I felt too tired to climb the stairs so we decided to sleep there.
Yes James slept beside me, he was actually a good pillow as it had become difficult to find a good sleeping position this past month.
On Saturday, Sammy and I went shopping in preparation for the trip. Afterwards James picked me up from Jeff's house.

As we drove back home, James never let go of my hand gently rubbing his thumb over my knuckles as I relaxed enveloped by the warmth of the car and fell asleep. I felt myself floating only to realize James had me in his arms.
"Put me down James, I must be very heavy."
"Rest baby, I got you. And you are not heavy at all.

I guess having a strong physic had its perks, I thought to myself as I drifted back to sleep.

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