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Tanya was the best cousin anyone could ask for, but her fiancé on the other hand was a problem. I never felt comfortable around him, and James seemed to sense this from my reaction when I greeted him. He pulled me back to his side as soon as Anthony released my hand.

"Hey sis how have you been, you look wow, different, marriage suits you well," Tanya said as we settled down in the lounge.
"Yes, she does look pretty good," Anthony murmured.
"Thank you. How are your folks Tanya, it's been a while since I visited them."
"They are both well, they actually went on a month long cruise, I was surprised when they told me you were married, I am hurt you didn't invite me to the wedding," she pouted.


James didn't like the way this Anthony fella was looking at his wife, he promised himself he would keep an eye on him for as long as he was around. My wife insisted that her cousin stay over for the week as they caught up on old times. He couldn't say anything for it was her house after all.

He got up to make her something to eat, already knowing she would be hungry. After she had had some food he took her up to her room to rest.

He found Thomas and Maria talking in the kitchen.
"I don't like that young man Tom, he smells of pure trouble. We will have to keep an eye on him."
"My sentiments exactly," James said as he entered the kitchen. "Pam isn't comfortable around him either, so please keep a look out for her as well," he said getting up to join his wife.
Pam woke up in James's arms, after her nap. They went out for her daily stroll enjoying their alone time dreading returning home.


I was surprised when James sat down with me and started massaging my aching feet.
"Sweetheart, are you going to go back to your house today?" She murmured enjoying his hands on me.
"No, I was thinking that if it's okay with you, I could stay over for the week, I don't want to leave you all alone."

I smiled at his thoughtfulness.
"I love that idea very much, besides I need someone to rub my feet every day," I said laughing at him.
Just then Anthony walked into the room and the atmosphere completely changed.

James was the first to speak.
"So Anthony, what do you do for a living?"
"I am a journalist at The Herald."
"Hmmm interesting. I know your boss very well, he always sends people requesting for an interview, and maybe I just found the one journalist I will talk to."
"That would be a big boost in my career, thank you very much Mr Right."
"No promises, I said maybe," he said with a smirk.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me baby," Pam said getting up to leave the guys alone.
"Ok darling, and make sure I find you off your feet."
"Yes Mr Right, I will just be drinking my tea. Nothing else..." she said giving him a mischievous smile.


I decided to put on a game of soccer as there was nothing more I could talk about with James. After an hour I went to check up on my wife, and found her standing beside Maria as she helped her stir a pot of soup.

"What did we agree upon honey? Now please come sit down, he said patting his lap as he took a seat by the breakfast table. I don't want you stressing yourself baby, you heard what the doctor said last time, now come."
"I am not a baby," I mumbled to myself as I made my way towards him, but Maria must have heard me, as she exploded into a fit of giggles.

"Now, isn't that better," he said wrapping his arms around me.
I had to say, being in his arms made me feel safe with Anthony being around. I tolerated the man because of my cousin. Something about him was just off.

"I heard you by the way, baby. You are my heart's desire, my breath of fresh air every morning, my baby and so much more, he whispered into my ear," making me blush.

Tanya joined us in the kitchen, and ended up helping Maria with the cooking.
"Mmm the things I could do with you if we were alone Mrs Right," James said rubbing his thumb up and down my arm.
"James, behave," I whispered to him, getting up to use the bathroom. I could hear him laughing out loud as I left. Looking at the other ladies I could see amusement written all over their faces.

When I got back, everyone was already seated at the table, I sat next to James.
"Are you alright?" He asked me, making everyone look in our direction.
"Yes dear, just peachy," I said with a tight smile plastered on my face. "Tonight you are sleeping on the couch," I whispered into his ear.
"Is that so, well, we will have to just wait and see then, won't we," he said dishing out some food into my plate.


After dinner all the men cleared the table and also did the dishes. Maria and Thomas then excused themselves as they turned in for the night. I decided to hang out with Tanya, as we chatted away. It wasn't long before we both fell asleep on the couch.

I was woken up by a hand caressing my cheek.
"James stop that," I murmured before opening my eyes to see the least person I wanted touching me.
"What are you doing?" I asked Anthony, waking up Tanya in the process.
"I was just waking you ladies up. It's already late, and I didn't want any of you waking up with a sore neck from the way you were sleeping here."

"Oh, okay. Where is James?" I asked feeling uncomfortable in his presence.
James walked in then, and helped me up. He showed Tanya and Anthony to their separate rooms. Her mother would kill me if she found out I allowed them to share a room.

Anthony left the following morning as he had to go back to work, leaving my cousin behind since she was still on her break from law school. I was quiet relieved by this news and so was James as he left for work. The days passed by slowly as I either hung out with Tanya or did some consultations. She left for college, and James went back to stay in his house, we might seem perfect in other people's eyes, but there was still some garbage we needed to take care of between us.

At eight months I had to take extra care of myself as there was a risk of early child labour. I wanted to make sure my babies were at least strong enough when they joined us.

An unexpected visitor showed up at my house one Friday evening.
It was none other than Gina.
"I warned you to stay away from him didn't I," she slurred as she leaned against the door frame. I stepped back as the pungent smell of alcohol filling my nostril.  "He doesn't even talk to me anymore, even at work I can't stop the rumours going around that I tried to destroy his marriage. I should be his wife, not you! He is mine!"

"Last time I checked I was the one with the ring darling, now can you leave my property before I throw you out," I told her in an icy tone as I did not have time for such theatrics.
"I told you to leave him," she screeched as she charged towards me.

She started clawing at me like a cat, seeing as I could not get a hold of her arms I took a fistful of her hair, good thing she had braids on, this made it more painful when I pulled her hair with all my might. She surprised me by giving me powerful shove towards the staircase, causing me to lose my balance I felt my body come into contact with the hard floor. She then proceeded to give me a powerful kick in my stomach, and I felt pain course throughout my body. On trying to get up, I saw a pool of blood forming around me.

With a piercing scream I called out to Maria, as I saw Gina become pale, and scrambled out of the house. The old woman rushed towards me as she called Jacob. They helped me into the car as we headed off to the emergency room. As we arrived I found James there, before I passed out from the blood loss.


James's POV

I had just closed the largest deal for a project my company would undertake in the months to come when I got the call that shattered my whole day.
"James," Maria said into the phone, she never used my first name unless something was absolutely wrong. "You have to get to the hospital, its Pam," she mumbled as she started to cry.
He did not need to know which hospital it was, he already knew where they were going.

Telling Jeff what was going on, they both rushed out of the building. They got there before Pam did, and when they finally arrived, he felt bile rise up to his throat on seeing his blood stained wife, as well as the fresh bruises on her arms and face.
"Pam," he whispered as the nurses took her away from him.

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