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The first day I moved back into his house everything seemed to be alright. Maria and Thomas opted to stay by my house and take care of it. James had said he would work from home the first few days, just to get us all settled in. I was surprised when I saw he had prepared a nursery for the children as well as hired a nanny just to assist me.

Aunt Rebecca also stayed with us, saying there was no need for her to hurry back to the village. My aunt Gloria had gone back to her house, upon my insistence. Each evening I was gone tired from taking care of the children, it's a good thing they had also adjusted to formula or else I was going to be in trouble.

The following week James returned to his office. Then the trouble started.
"Where is that good for nothing girl. Get up!" Aunt Rebecca shouted as she banged on the bedroom door.
Not wanting to start any trouble I got up and quickly dressed appropriately.
"Good morning auntie. I hope you slept well."
"Yes, good morning. The floors need to be scrubbed, and for breakfast I would like some tea with eggs on the side. Chop, chop dear we don't have all day. This house is a mess, I don't understand how you live in such filth."

"Yes auntie," I responded to her. I could not backtalk for she was my elder after all. That would be completely disrespectful of me. I quickly made her breakfast after checking on the little ones who were sound asleep, I hadn't gotten much sleep with them being awake most of the night. James called in to check up on us.

"Hi baby, hope you managed to get some rest."
"Hi, I...I...Yes I did."
"Is everything alright love, you sound a bit off."?
"I have to go James, Josh just woke up. Bye," I said hanging up as Aunt Rebecca walked in.

"We need to take out the carpet in James office, it needs a good scrubbing. Then the blankets need to be washed also. Don't worry about the children Joyce (the nanny) will take care of them. Opting to start with the blankets first I washed them, it was a tedious process as I had to haul the load outside and hang them up to dry all alone. What was aunt Rebecca doing you might wonder, well she was in the living room enjoying herself watching the television. Taking out the extra blankets I made the beds and went down to start preparing dinner. James came home early from work.

I hadn't spent any time with my babies today as our dear old aunt had something for me to do every time I decided to take a rest.

An unannounced guest was the last thing I expected. Aunt Rebecca gushed over Janet as she walked into the house.
"Finally a decent girl has arrived! Come in dear, I will show you to your room, your future husband will be here soon."

I looked at them both flabbergasted thinking which future husband? Deciding to remain silent and wait for James to come back from work so I could find out the actual story behind Janet I decided to go see my babies.


I felt at peace as I held little James in my arms. Willing myself to calm down. I needed to bond with my babies, but this was not possible because of one person in this house.
At dinner everything was going well until...
"This food smells burnt. Is this what you have been eating nephew?"
"Auntie, I don't smell anything burnt. Pam is an excellent cook," James said giving me a warm smile which I returned.
"I can't eat this," she said pushing the plate away from her.
"Okay auntie, I'll prepare something else for you."
"No, no, no. Don't bother. Janet will prepare something for me, right dear?"
"Yes of course auntie," Janet said with a coy smile directed towards me.

As soon as she left, James asked his aunt, "Who is this young lady auntie, is she a relative I don't know of?"
"Well we will be related as soon as you get married to her."
"What are you talking about auntie, I already have a wife."
"You call this thing, a wife," she scoffed. "Well Janet is here to stay, I already spoke to her parents back in the village. You can make her your second wife for all I care."
"Auntie! I am tired of your games. Don't test my patience," he said getting up to leave. "You better send her back wherever she came from."

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