Chapter 6

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"Nina...Nina wake up...Stiles you try wake her up"

"ok...NINA!!!! WAKE UP NOW!!!"

I jumped and fell off the bed, "Stiles! what are you doing?" I got up and smoothed down my creased pyjama top, "Scott couldn't wake you up so he told me to try"

"bad idea" mumbled Scott, "I thought it was a good idea" Stiles answers, "GUYS CAN ONE OF YOU JUST TELL ME WHY  YOU WOKE ME UP?" They both stopped arguing instantly but it was Stiles who answered, "I over heard my dad's radio saying that they found a body in the woods"

"Don't tell me your going there"

"Ok, I won't but we are going on a drive"

"Let me guess; near the woods?"

"Yes, and your welcome to come with if you want"

"You don't have to if you'd rather say here then that's ok" added Scott

"What and leave you two - the biggest idiots ever - to go into the woods - at night - to find a dead body, huh yeah right I'm coming with"

"great come on! grab your coat and we'll go in the jeep"


It was awkward silence in the jeep, and Nina could tell that even though Stiles was pumped and ready to go Scott was nervous so she turned the radio on and turned it up it was her favourite song (your fave song) She couldn't help it, she started singing and soon both the boys did as well.

"Stiles I cant believe you woke me up to look for a body that you don't even know where it is!"

"Technically, its half a body, and I do know where it is you just need to have patience"

"Well I'm not exactly what you would call a patient person Stiles"

"Nina, Stiles, shhhhh! I think the body's over there"

"Seriously, my Dad got here first!"

"Stiles, I can't see your dad"

"Nina, if the police are here then so is my Dad, I know he's here somewhere..." He tuned around to see a pair of black boots, he already knew who it was, "Dad?"

"What did I say when I left you at the station, Stiles?"

"You said, and I quote, 'Stiles I'm asking you know, can you please stay here, in the station, ok?'"

"Ok, and what did you say back?"

"I said, 'Sure, I'll stay here'"

"So you lied to me"

"Well, that depends on how you define 'lying'"

"Well, I define it as not telling the truth, how do you define it?"

"Reclining your body in a horizontal position-"

"Just get in the car Stiles!"


Sheriff Stilinski didn't seem to notice Nina and Scott so they took advantage and ran, they had a plan to run back home and text Stiles when they get there but when Scott tripped he told Nina to keep running and he'll catch up, having believe her brother she ran and didn't look to see if he was following.

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