Chapter 7

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Nina woke up to the sound of Scott and Stiles rambling on about Lacrosse, apparently this year is going to be their year according to Stiles but Scott doesn't agree, like he said; they suck.

"Guys! If your going to talk really loudly can you at least shut my door, please" Stiles stuck his head in the doorway, "Sorry no can do - it's school in ten minuets and you haven't even got out of bed"

"Yeah, you should really get up Nina, if you hurry I'm sure Stiles will let you come in the jeep with us"

"Yeah, just make sure you have clean shoes, I just cleaned it this morning"

"Ugh, fine I'll be down in 5"

Nina just put on a oversized wooly jumper with some legging and boots and headed down stairs, grabbing an apple on the way out she locked the door behind her and got in the jeep with the two boys.

As she sat down Stiles started the engine, they were just coming up to the school when Scott said, "Nina, did you forget to do something this morning?" Nina shrugged "No why?"

"Well it's just that your hair is all crazy and you obviously forgot to put on your makeup" Stiles said "What?!" Nina was horrified, yes she has left the house without makeup before but she always made sure that her hair was at least brushed, "guys can we just stay in the car while I sort my hair out please" The two juniors looked at each other and said, "We have to go, schools started"

"Guys please"

"I'm sorry but we have to go"

"Stiles are you really going to let me walk into school looking like this?"

"You've looked worse"


Nina finally gave in and got out the jeep and walked into her first class with her hair unbrushed. She sat down in her seat, "Oh.My.God! What happened?" Nina looked at the girl next to her and sighed "I didn't have time to brush my hair this morning, my brother and his loser friend didn't let me do it because we were late" The girl looked at Nina's hair and raised her hand, "Miss! May me and friend please go to the nurse, she doesn't feel too good"

"Sure Lydia, just hurry back" 


Nina and Lydia walked into the girls toilets and Lydia started to pull things out of her purse, a hairbrush, hairspray, some clips and hair ties. "What are you doing?" Nina asked worried, "Realx, I'm just going to fix this mess" she indicated Nina's hair "now stay still"

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