Chapter 14

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"Guys, she isn't there" Nina said

Stiles was the first to react, he stood up and ran into the room throwing the pillows and blanket of the bed and the shower curtains from the bathroom panicking. It was heartbreaking to watch. Scott put a hand on his best friends shoulder, "Stiles, I'm sure your dad will find her-" Stiles turned around, "Lydia Martin is gone! Lydia! Not some random girl Scott, this is Lydia! She was bit and now she's missing! This isn't a coincidence!"
"I know, but maybe if your dad sends out a search for her?"
"I need to call him. Now." And just like that Stiles was out of the room frantically whispering to someone on the phone, which I'm guessing is his dad. I turned to Scott, "Do you think-"
"You don't even know what is was gonna say!"
"You were going to ask if you can help find Lydia and I said no because you have school"
"So do you" I protested but it was useless, Scott would always use your words against you in an argument so he won. I guess I have school now, yayyyy.

[[Skip a couple of days]]]

Nina was slowly walking home from school when her phone ran. It was Scott.
"Hey, Nina we found Lydia"
"YAS! Where was she? Is she okay?"
"Well she was naked walking around the woods so I guess she's not that okay, but she isn't hurt or anything" I sighed with relief, the past couple of days I kept on thinking about all these things that could happen to Lydia, to be honest I think I may have gone crazy.

The next day Lydia was at school like nothing happened, Nina and Allison stayed with her all day. Scott and Stiles told her to keep an eye out for any supernatural behaviour just in case she did turn into a werewolf.

In chemistry Lydia was her smart, flirtish self. Overall, Nina couldn't find anything that would count as 'supernatural' unless you count her ability to attract boys like a moth to a flame.

The next couple of weeks was the same. Stiles came up with a solution that Lydia was immune to the bite so we stopped keeping such a close eye on her.

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