The Tattooed Prince(1)

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 I sat in the middle of my bed hugging one of my large pillows arguing with myself. Were my parents being serious? They couldn’t just agree marrying me to a complete stranger! Even if we were showing our respect to my great-grandfather, why did I have to be the one who had to serve the promise? I wouldn’t agree to such a foolish thing, marrying at eighteen wasn’t on my agenda.

“Jesus Christ!” I cried out slamming the pillow on my face. I was going to drive myself crazy thinking about the whole marriage thing. Then again it felt nice being able to worry about something. It wasn’t common for me to panic over things in life, it made me normal for once.

Sounds weird I know, but when you live the way I do, panicking over things was actually a pleasant feeling. I had something to keep my mind busy with, although I wished it was a subject less complicated than this one.

There were sudden knocks on my door. Taking the pillow off my face I sighed heavily. For the past two hours my mom has tried coming into my room and tries to convince me to go with the arrangement.

“Mom, I told you already I’m not going to do it!” I yelled annoyed with her.

“It’s not your mom, it’s your Nana.” The soft angelic voice said.

I shot up smiling eagerly I ran towards the door opening it for her. Nana stood in front of me with a cup of tea in her hand. She came in my room setting the cup on my night stand. I went back to my bed getting in the same position I was in a while ago.

“Did mom send you here to convince me to go with the arrange marriage?” I asked her quietly.

She glanced at me and shook her head. “No, but she told me what was going on,” She replied. She sat on the edge of the bed putting her small hands on her lap.

Nana was exactly what her name meant: nanny. She did the work my mother couldn’t do; she raised me since day one. She had always been there for me when I needed her to be. As the years passed Nana grew old and when I was fifteen she could no longer watch over me. She spent most her days in her cozy home on the other side of Madrid. Whenever my mom notices I’m locking myself in my room, she calls her over. She knows Nana is the only one who can get my head screwed on right again.

“Nana she has lost her mind!” I exclaimed.

She chuckled quietly. “The Royal Family is only paying their debut to your great-grandfather.”

            “Well can’t they do it another way?” I questioned her. Did they really need to resort to this? I was one hundred percent sure that Sebastian wasn’t agreeing with this either, even if he is a Prince he wouldn’t go through it.

            Nana sighed. “Adalyn no one is forcing you to marry the Prince, I’m sure The Queen won’t force you to, but what do you have to lose if you go with it?” She lingered her words.

            She stood up and leaned over giving me a kiss on my forehead. “Drink your tea and go to bed,” She ordered and walked out my room.

            I sat there looking down at my hands. What did I have to lose? I had everything someone can ask for, yet I wasn’t happy. My life was dull and boring; nothing ever changed. Up to now all I have been doing has been watching my life disappear in front of me.

            Getting married to a Prince wasn’t a dream of mines, but how hard could it be to be married to an airhead Prince? I didn’t know Sebastian personally; he was always surrounded by his stuck up friends. Every now and then I would see him in the halls; most of the time he was with Madison, the schools outstanding student.

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