The Tattooed Prince(9)

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“Sebastian!” I cried out slamming my hands onto the desk.

He glanced over from the book he was readying narrowing his eyes. “Yes Princess?”

“Why can’t you help me on this?” I cried out slamming the old text book away from me.

Sebastian put down his books and pulled the book towards him. He opened the book back to the chapter I was on. He read it for a few seconds then pushed it towards me.

“You’re graduating this year and you don’t know old English?” He said slowly.

I slumped on my chair frowning. “I’m smart in every subject except this one! It’s boring!”

He laughed shaking his head at me. “You should really try to learn how to speak very proper English. You got lucky that Your Queen had to leave before our wedding ended, if not you would’ve talked to her.” He reminded me.

The wedding felt like it happen ages ago, but it was only a week since it had happened. After our slow dance people began to leave, and Sebastian and I went back to our palace. He walked me to my room and then he left to his. He said we weren’t force to sleep together, and he wasn’t planning on doing something like that with me for a very long time.

I had to admit that day was crazy especially when he kissed me suddenly. I wished I had felt some spark, or something magical happen in that moment. But I felt nothing; I was just shocked he had the courage to do it.

The last couple of days haven’t been a walk in the park.  Sophia and Sebastian have been making me study these thick books for proper English. Apparently the English I spoke wasn’t proper enough for Your Queen.  Sebastian closed the book and pushed it to the side.

“I guess you practice enough for today,” He said rolling his eyes slightly at me.

I smiled victoriously. “Thank you!” I placed my feet on top of the desk and reclined backward.

Sebastian stood up closing the book he was reading. “I have to go meet my dad right now, but don’t forget that you have to speak to my mother later on today.” He reminded.

I opened my eyes and look at him confusedly. “What for again?”

He hissed at me. “Adalyn, seriously, you have to have a good memory! It’s about the…”               He trailed off. “Never mind I’ll go with you instead.” He walked towards the door stopping before he fully stepped out. “And please don’t get into trouble.”

I stood up and nodded. “I won’t, geez you sound worse than my mother.” I mumbled.

He heard me say what I said, but he brushed it off and closed the door behind him. He had been very careful these past days not to mention my mom to me, but I seemed to bring her up more then I needed too. It was just all these rules, and routines I had to do that made me feel like I was living at home again.

Here in the palace I had a little bit more freedom. I could do my chores in different orders, and I didn’t have to be doing everything neatly and organized. I was still stuck in a place most of the time but I could breathe a little bit calmer here.

I placed the book back to where it belonged in the bottom shelf, and then I closed the folders Sebastian left open. The wooden door opened and Madison walked in. Our gazes met and instantly the air dense.

“Princess,” She bowed. “Sorry I was looking for Sebastian, my father and the king are waiting for him to go to the office.” She explained.

“Oh, well he left a few minutes ago, he probably is changing or something,” I smiled.

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