The Tattooed Prince(8)

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I departed from Madison, breaking off the kiss. She shouldn’t have kissed me, someone could’ve seen us. I didn’t have anything more to say to her; I had told her everything I needed to get off my chest. I opened the door fully and stepped out.

From inside of the room I heard Madison break down. She was devastated I was getting married, but I couldn’t let her stop me from doing what was right. I had made a promise to Adalyn to make her the princess The Royal Counsel wanted, although they already loved her the way she was.

I walked into my bedroom and finished putting on my black bow-tie and my jacket. I picked up the small boutonniere and carefully pinned it on my left side of the lapel. I was ready to tie the knot with Adalyn, and start preparing her to rule Spain with me.  I didn’t expect her to get used to the princess life, but I hoped she would try to adjust herself to it.

Not every girl was prepared to handle the throne, and Adalyn wasn’t an exception. She wasn’t ready, I could easily see the signs reflected on her, but everyday she surprised me with something new. She wasn’t as normal as I thought too believe.

I stepped out my room getting ready to go to the back yard where the ceremony was being held, when Sophia stopped me. She was out of breathe and she had a frantic look plastered on her face. She gulped recovering from whatever she was doing.

“Sebastian Adalyn ran away,” She blurted out.

“Excuse me?” I told her confused. “What did you say?”

Sophia  inhaled. “Princess Adalyn ran away, we can’t find her anywhere.”

I ran passed her to Adalyn’s room. Perfectly laid out on her bed where her wedding dress, shoes, and crown. Why? Why did you do it Adalyn! I hit the wall with my palm aggravated with Adalyn’s actions. Did she not care about herself? She needed to stop being so worried about me; I was going to be fine!

Sophia stepped inside the room giving me a timid look. “Do I inform Her Queen about Adalyn’s running away?” She asked me.

I shook my head. “No, I’ll find her, just give me time.” I responded walking out.

I took off my jacket and dropped it on the chair in the hallway. I didn’t have an idea where she could’ve gone. I never asked her where her favorite place was, or what she missed. You idiot! Why didn’t you try to get to know her more these past few weeks! Madison stood at the end of the stairs fixing her now messed up makeup. She closed her make-up compact and looked up at me.

“What’s wrong?” She said concerned.

“Adalyn, she ran away,” I whispered.

“Have you tried calling her? Maybe she got nervous and went to walk it out?” She considered.

No. Adalyn ran away, she wasn’t anywhere near the palace. I was certain she was going to leave Spain. I shuffled my hair around with my hands, why didn’t I see this coming? She threaten me once to leave already, I should’ve kept her close to me today.

“Sophia!” I yelled for her.

Sophia came quickly at the room. “Yes?”

“Where does she live?” I demanded.

Sophia stayed quiet not wanting to respond to my question. “Prince I am not allowed to discuss where she lives, I assure you she won’t be there.”

“And why aren’t you allowed to discuss this with me?”

Sophia placed her hands together in front of her, and looked down at the floor. “I promised Princess Adalyn I wouldn’t let anyone find out about what happened,” She said quietly.

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