The Tattooed Prince(2)

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“Hey!” I heard Sebastian scream after me.

I ignored him completely, if he thought that I was just another foolish girl that he could talk to as if they were garbage he was wrong. He pulled on my strings and now he was going to get the whip.

“I’m talking to you!” He yelled from across the hall.

I stopped in the middle of the hallway, bawling my hands into fist. “What do you want?” I snarled at him.

He ran in front of me glaring angrily, his chest popping in and out as he tried to catch his breath. He raised his finger in the air trying to speak but he stopped himself. I crossed my hands against my chest waiting for him impatiently. He had my attention and now he didn’t want to say whatever he needed for me to know.

“Why in the hell are you going to go to the palace and ask my mom when the wedding is? What makes you think I want to marry you?” He slithered.

I looked away laughing quietly. He seriously thought I was going to go to the palace and ask when the wedding was going to be. I just needed a good excuse to get out of the classroom, I felt like if we stayed in there any longer he was going to murder me.

Putting my thumb and my index finger on the bridge of my nose, I gave it a light squeeze. For a Prince he had his head way up his ass; he needed to make sense that I didn’t want to marry him. Even if marrying him would make my life a bit interesting I wouldn’t do it. It would be a waste of my time.

“I don’t want to marry you! Believe me I’m trying to avoid this marriage the best way I can!” I made him understand. My patience with ignorant people was running short now a days, the more stupid they got the more I wanted to punch them in the face.

Sebastian gritted his teeth together making a screeching sound come out of his mouth. “I-ugh, you need to leave this school, this country, and if possible this content.” He ordered.

I scratched the back of my neck, giving him an awkwardly look. “I wouldn’t be here if I could.”

He threw his hands in the air. “Then runaway I don’t know do something! But don’t agree to marry me!”

He was an airhead Prince; he had no what-so-ever of a brain inside his skull. For whatever reason the Queen needed a wife for the Prince he wasn’t much happy about it, but instead of trying to fix it he wanted to give me hell. Almost as if it’s my fault his Grandfather agreed to marry me with him.

I didn’t deserve this; he didn’t know me well enough to be acting the way he was. So I just didn’t respond to what he said, I couldn’t be so harsh on him. If things were complicated for me I could only imagine how things were for him. I was sure he wasn’t planning to get married in high school either.

“Where are you going now?” Sebastian asked. “Do you walk away from people all time like this?”

Yeah, I actually do walk away from people most of the time, but of course I couldn’t tell him that. “This conversation is over.” I muttered.

I went to the third floor to Physics class I was already thirty minutes late when I entered the classroom. Everyone looked up from their textbooks and glanced at me. Great; now they’re just going to stare at me as I sit down.  As I made my way to my seat the teacher called out for me.

Fuck. “Yes?” I muttered from where I was standing.

I heard his chair squeak as he stood up from his desk. “Want to explain to me why your thirty minutes late to my class?” Mr. Wash questioned me.

Putting most of my weight on my heels I spun myself around. I shrugged innocently at him. “I’m just late today, I apologize.”

Mr. Wash scoffed. He had never liked me and I never knew why. Ever since I came to Haul he just automatically grew hate towards me. Everything I did from my homework to my classwork was wrong; he would find idiotic mistakes that not even someone with no life would pay attention to.

The Tattooed PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now