The Tattooed Prince(28)

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A part of me felt guilty, I felt guilty for taking away what was rightfully Delilah's'. Then the other part of me was trying to convince me its not my fault what my mother did. I was stuck between my feelings and selfish ways.

Delilah could be the devil herself, but she was still my sister. I felt as if I had to fix her for the damage my mom did to her. I imagined myself back to the week Sebastian left me alone, if for a week I nearly died. Imagine being sent half-across the world without your family. The emotional impact it had on her destroyed the little faith she had on us.

I couldn't blame her for being the way she was, and as much as I tried despising her, a part of me couldn't. She was my blood and we were fighting like cats and dogs, for a throne that should have never been given to us.

Sebastian touched my arm as I sat in the black leather couch. "You okay? You've been quiet since we finished moving in,"

I glanced at him giving him a nod. "I'm just thinking,"

He sat next to me wondering what was going on with me all of a sudden. "Do you not like the place? We could always find a new one." He suggested.

"No, that's not what I'm thinking about. I'm glad we moved out the palace and I love our new place, I was thinking about Delilah."

Today while we were leaving the palace, she stood on top of the stairs glaring at us. I couldn't help but to make eye contact with her, and when our eyes met I felt her anger. The bitterness had consumed her; she was nothing but cold-blooded and heartless.

"Did she say something to you before we left?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "No. I feel like I don't deserve any of this. I'm not saying I don't want this type o life, but I don't want to fight with my sister either." I confessed.

He took hold of me and reclined both of us against the couch. "You can't change what she became. I think she needs closure from your mom."

Putting my mom and Delilah in the same room would be chaos. Delilah would rip her head off while my mother is denying her exists. In a strange way they were both the same way, careless and unforgiving.

"I doubt you want two dead bodies in the palace," I rolled my eyes.

He shrugged. "Wouldn't be the first time someone tried killing each other in the palace,"

I turned around looking at him weirdly. "What do you mean?"

He gulped. "Nothing, it a metaphor."

I shook my head. "No it's not."

He took hold of my sides squirming me around; he devoured me in kisses. "Stop thinking too much, let's just enjoy we finally moved in."

He was right on the bright side we finally were able to move in. Being alone again with Sebastian brought back the peacefulness we once had. The best way Sebastian and I could work was being alone. It was the only way we could keep our heads screw on right.

The move here wasn't hard at all; we just had to pack. Sophia had taken care of putting comforters on the beds, and buying the house utensils. The only thing Sebastian and I had to do was buy groceries.

"Have you told Helen and Candace about our new place?" He asked me with a smirk on his face.

I giggled. They were my best friends; although I hadn't seen them since I left to our honeymoon, I've kept them inform. Before we moved in I told them we had found a place, and sometime we should have a sleepover.

I'm thinking about kicking Sebastian out for the weekend so the girls and I can spend time together. Hopefully he doesn't mind; he can go out with his friends and enjoy himself. We both needed to have some fun.

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