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Ch. 18 Damian's POV


After I talked to Jane at the front desk, I walked back over to the man.

"You sure you don't wanna be there for the story?"

"Yeah, Dad, I don't wanna miss the first day of school, I might be late already but I need to go to first hour and I have the same lunch as Mik and her friends, they will wonder were she is." The boy answered back, just by that I could tell that he would be an amazing friend.

"All right, if you're ready I'm good to go." I say when I reach them not wanting to seem like I'm intruding.

"Ok, let's go, I hope you told them you'd be missing the rest of the days classes because this is a long complicated story."

"Yep, they are calling in a sub right now." Nice way to tell him I'm a teacher.

"Wait, are you a teacher? You don't look old enough and most teacher wouldn't do this for a student." He tried to explain without sounding offensive. I gave a small chuckle because I knew I wouldn't do this for anyone but her.

"Yeah I know, it's kinda complicated."I told him vaguely.

By this time we were already to his car and driving. "How bout you tell me about it on the way and save my story till we get to my place cus I doubt that I'll be able to drive. This story," he cuts himself off not wanting to get angry.

"Ok, um yes I am young to be a teacher, I'm 24 and this is my first teaching job. I used to live in South Dakota with my mother and brother but I moved up here because my best friends family is like the extension of my family. And the reason I'm doing this is because, wait before I go into that.....would your ex have driven through soux falls South Dakota?" This would answer at least on of my questions for the day. I glanced and him and saw him nod and tighten his hands on the steering wheel. "Ok, I guess I'm gonna have to start from why I started wanting to be a teacher. When I was 13 my best friend Alex was having a party on the hotel and I was going to his room but I was lost in thought and went to the wrong room a man answered, but I wasn't paying attention to what he looked like he was being a dick and I was distracted by a little girl laying on the bed looking scared. And I walked away. Then a few years later I got a job working with my mom at the hotel and there was a noise complaint from the same room. The same little girl answered the door and gave me a bullshit story. I knew it was the same girl because she had the same look in her eyes. After I walked away for the second time I promised myself to help anyone I could." I finished telling him the edited version. Then I added, "I think I'm in love with your daughter, the first time I saw her I knew that there was something about her. Then I looked into her eyes and saw the same eyes that have haunted me for 11 years.." I was scared to tell him I was in love with his 17 year old daughter but I had to.

"Wow, that's some story you just told. And about your love for my daughter, I may not have seen her in 11 years but she's still my baby girl. She's the only little girl I got, and I just found her. If she wants to be with you I won't keep her away but just know I'm an amazing shot with a shot gun." I couldn't help but gulp at what he said. After a few more minutes of awkward silence we pulled up to a house. Huh, I guess I don't have to meet my new neighbors tonight.

"I live right across the road." I say pointing at my house. He smiles a little then says, "well nice to meet ya neighbor." I smile back and we start walking into the house.

"Honey, what are you doing home and who is the boy with you?" I hear a women ask, I know this is stereotypical, from the kitchen.

"Hey babe, I'm home because I got some news for you and this 'boy' is a teacher at Deans school." I knew this would be a long day because so much had happened already.

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