Chapter 15 - Surprises Never End

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"YES!" I screamed and launched myself into his arms. Dimitri asked me to marry him, my Dimitri. My future husband, for real. We were having a child together, we were going to be a real family, no more lies! I was going to be Gwyneth Valentine, Misses Gwyneth Valentine. Should I start doodling hearts on napkins and humming to myself?


Last night was amazing, we had come home right after Dimitri asked to find Eddy sitting on the couch with a huge smile. We then had launched into the most girlish squeals ever and then began crying. I think that was the only time I had ever cried because I was happy. I was happy, truely happy that I had in fact just been proposed to, Eddy was happy that we would finally be a real family and we could all live in a big house whenever we went back home. I then spend the rest of the night, leaned over the toliet, puking my guts up. The baby wasn't happy at all, causing me to leave my new found real family for hours of solitude, locked in the bathroom.

Ester was suppose to be coming back in a few days, she gave birth to a very healthy boy late last night. I throughly could not wait to meet little Tucker and then bombard his mother with questions about child birth, since I technially had never been through it, it wouldn't blow my cover. I wanted to know everything about having a child because as far as Ester knew, I never made it to my second trimester with a baby before my little car accident. I didn't know one thing about raising a baby, sure I raised Eddy for the past like three years but that was different. Eddy hadn't needed to learn anything when I got her, she could walk, talk, go to the bathroom by herself and everything else was taught in School. I didn't have to be a real mother to her, well I had been but I didn't have to be, all I had to really do was be the caregiver. I did treat Eddy like my own daughter though, she had become to be my own when I was left to care for her all by myself.

Eddy was pratically dropped on me with little to no help. Raya would have helped but she was gone, that's the whole reason why I got Eddy. Caladean wanted nothing to do with me, she hated me and what reason, I do not know. Ella was always busy, helping whenever she could, but she was like Dimitri with work. Ella had so much to do with suddenly becoming a council member and then the recovery missions with Escapes. I had been left on my own with a four year old, practically five, I mean she was eight now.

The baby was going to be born almost in winter, right at the end of fall. I wondered if I was going to still be in Central, if the mission was going to last long enough for me to give birth. Maybe I should go back to Fuga, I can make an excuse of 'I'm going to my mother's' and pretend me and Dimitri had gotten in this huge fight. That thought made me frown, I didn't want to fight with Dee.

"Hey mom?" I looked up from my book, I hadn't been actually reading but I had tried, to see Eddy standing in the foyer. She must having been standing there for a good while, trying to get my attention.

"Yeah? What's up Eddy?" She walked over to me and sat on the couch, she sank alittle. Eddy looked so young, like she was barely six years old rather than eight.

"Are you and dad really going to be married? This isn't another one of your covers is it?" She looked like she was going to cry if I didn't give her the proper answer but then again I wouldn't actually be lying to her.

"Eddy, we're really going to get married. We're going to be a real life family. I mean well still be here and undercover but when we go home, your father and I will still be married." Eddy looked happy with that answer and jumped up from the couch, then leaning down and giving me a hug. Eddy shouldn't be worried about us being actually married, she should be worry about tea parties, right? I wasn't over thinking her being young, was I? What was I doing at eight years old? At eight, I had been living in Suden with my mother and Kevin and my sister. I was playing outside with the other children. I remembered playing with the other girls in park, on a playground.

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