Chapter: 24

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"You're what?"

"Drunk. Very, very drunk. I'm so just... drunk. Oh, god. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be here. What am I doing here? I should go. I'm gonna go. I'm just gonna... I'll go. So sorry. Bye."

She waved at me as she stumbled slightly, trying her best to scurry away down the hotel corridor and towards the elevators. She tripped a little in her high heels but quickly grabbed ahold of the wall to steady herself. I smiled to myself as I followed after her, taking hold of her arm that was pressed against the wall. I must have scared her because she jumped which made her completely lose whatever balance she might have had, and she began to fall face forward. I swiftly grabbed both of her shoulders, spinning her around and catching her all in one swift motion.

She squeaked in surprise but leaned into me to steady herself, effectively pressing our bodies against one another's. She slowly raised her head until our eyes were locked. She looked so beautiful, even though her eyes were a little bloodshot and glassy, but still, they seemed even bluer than I remembered.

She tried standing up better which didn't end up working; in fact she started to only slip more. I grasped her tighter, which startled her yet again. "Whoa," she mumbled.

"Sorry. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks. I'm being really clumsy tonight...." She tried to straighten up again. She was staring at her feet, and when she was firmly planted on her own, she whipped her hair over her shoulder to look back up at me. Her scent... I had almost forgotten that too.

"God, you smell amazing...." I breathed.

Her body was still quite close to me, which she quickly recognized after she heard my whispered declaration and immediately pulled away from me, stumbling backwards.

"No, it's... it's these flowers," she said, gesturing to the small gold table on the other wall next to us that held a large arrangement of flowers. "It's the orchids. They... they smell good."

I stared at her in disbelief. Here she was, knocking on my hotel room door, which she had to have called someone to get, drunk and in a tiny fucking cocktail dress, looking just as amazing as anything I had ever seen and was doing nothing but pulling away from me. No matter how beautiful she was or how much I wanted her, loved her and desperately needed her, to see her pull away from me was worse than watching her walk away.

"What are you doing here, Bella?" I asked, frustrated beyond belief.

"I-I," she glanced from side to side in the small hallway and even behind her. "I, uh," she looked down at her feet, shuffling them slightly and drawing circles in the carpet with her black heels. "I'm, um...." she drowned out. She finally looked up at me and threw her hands down by her side. "I have no idea."

"How did you even-"

Before I could finish, she interrupted me and kept going. "I was just out with my brother Seth. You know, you met him yesterday? He told me how he saw you and Emmett at lunch and how...." her voice trailed off for a moment. "And how you recognized him before Emmett was even around. And then I got to thinking about all that you had told me. Well, really I've thought about nothing but you for the past month. And I just need to ask you something and see you for just a second so I called Jasper and asked him what room number was yours, so here I am. Ta da."

My heart warmed when I heard her say she had been thinking about me for the past month.

"What did you need to ask me?"

"Uh, I need a drink first. Or two. Can I come in?"

"Of course. Yes. Please come in."

She walked past me (well more like stumbled) into the bedroom. I followed closely behind her in case she fell anymore, which she didn't. She sat on the couch while I walked to the mini-fridge.

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