Chapter: 25

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It was like I had been punched in the gut.

That was the only way to accurately describe what it felt like to watch my best friend kiss the only girl I had ever loved. While watching them continue to kiss, my mind wandered back to all those times they had fought like brother and sister over stupid things like what movie we watched or who ate the last fudgesicle. I thought of all the times they picked on each other and nagged each other like best friends would or how they would laugh and joke around about actually being attracted to each other. Then, a new question surfaced to my brain... had they been attracted to each other this whole time?

Blake's favorite thing to do was to joke around with me about Bella being hot, but I had always assumed it was to get a rise out of me. But what if he had been serious? What if he had had feelings for Bella that whole time?

What if....

I wanted to puke. I felt physically ill as I could do nothing but watch them kiss and be completely wrapped up in one another. The most natural reaction I could have had was to be utterly pissed off, but for some reason, I wasn't. I was just thoroughly... sick. I was starting to sweat a lot as I continued to force down my dinner by swallowing over and over again.

They finally broke away from each other with Blake's hands still framing her face and her small hands gripping the bottom of his shirt like she had done to me not but five days prior. Slowly, they opened their eyes and smiled at each other. I was definitely going to be sick at any moment. I felt like screaming, but I clamped my lips shut as tight as I could until it was on the verge of being painful.

Bella's head jerked in my direction to see if I was still standing in the same spot. My legs were locked so tightly that I didn't think anything would ever be strong enough to make me move. Her smile widened when she saw me, and she took one of Blake's hands from her face and intertwined their fingers. His gaze never strayed from her face.

She said something to him, still smiling proudly and led him towards my direction. Then, finally, came my instinct to run. Run as far away from all of this as I could. And the overwhelming feeling to be sick came back once again.

Suddenly, they were in front of me. They didn't look the same to me. Not anymore.

Bella was smiling so brightly. "Edward! I wanted you to meet Blake Hale, my boyfriend."

I was definitely going to be sick. I swallowed again.

Blake chuckled, snaking his arm around her waist and pulling her close to his chest. "We've met, baby," he laughed. "We're best friends now," he smiled at me and offered his hand. The hand that had just been on Bella's cheek as he kissed her.

I could only stare at them. They truly looked different to me. I was so, so wrong. These were not the same people from my dream. I shut my eyes tightly, willing away any tears that I could feel burning to the surface. I shook my head and took a long breath.

When I opened my eyes again, they were both looking at me questioningly.

"I'm sorry. Will you both excuse me for a moment?" I asked, but I wasn't even around to hear their response. I needed air. I needed clarity. I needed some space. And I desperately needed to be sick.

I rushed out of the ballroom and down the hallway to the men's room. Luckily no one was in there, so I quickly locked the door and ran into the first stall just in time to vomit violently into the toilet. Over and over I heaved until there was nothing left. And even then, I continued to choke and try to spit whatever I could out. Someone was knocking at the door and trying to push it open, but I ignored it as I heaved again and again.

I fell to my knees when it became too hard for me to hold myself up. And I started to cry through the choking while my eyes burned, and I tried blinking the tears away but it was no use. They were stinging my eyes so badly, I couldn't help but cry harder.

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