Chapter: 3

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I hate planes.

I stared straight ahead not taking my eyes off the back of the person's head in front of me. She was an older woman with white, curly hair. I had been staring at her head for so long that I memorized everything about it. I knew each wave, how the light hit it, and even how it never moved when she would shake her head back and forth.

But nothing, nothing could break my train of thought. I replayed over and over what I had learned this morning. I thought of the mail that had my name on it. I thought of the looks on everyone's faces when I asked them what was going on. I also thought of the look on their faces whenever I left and told them I wouldn't be back for a while.

If ever....

Luckily, Bella still wasn't back from her jog whenever I left. I knew I wouldn't be able to say good bye to her and give her any sort of excuse for my rash, inexplicable actions.

But I needed answers. I needed concrete, tangible, solid, one hundred percent real answers. And I knew there was only one place to find them.

My life had always been predictable. Get up, go to work, go home and do it all over again. Up until now, I never questioned it, never wanted something different. And somehow I knew that whatever was going on was more than just something simple that I could fix.

"We will be landing in the LAX airport shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts as we prepare our descent," the pilot's voice filled the plane which broke me from my thoughts.

I didn't bring any sort of luggage with me. I knew that if I did I might be packing up clothes and other things that I wasn't sure were mine or not. I had this suspicion that happened to be mine, but even thinking that brought on more and more questions.

As I walked through LAX, I took out the phone that I had assumed was mine and looked to see if there were any messages waiting for me after the three hour flight.

7 text messages and 12 voicemails.

I sighed as I read the text messages first. Many were from Emmett which were short and to the point. Mostly, "where the fuck are you?" or "what the fuck's wrong with you?" I deleted those. Then, there were a couple from Jasper which said almost the same thing but only without the extra profanities. But I noticed the last one, the one that was the most recent was from Bella. It was short and sweet, and for some reason, it was comforting.

"I hope everything is alright. I love you and miss you. - B"

It was the only text that I didn't delete.

I listened to the voicemails. All of them were from Emmett and Jasper, and they all restated their texts. I deleted them as well.

But before I put my phone back into my pocket, I looked at the background... the picture of me and Bella. Bella had her arms wrapped around my neck, and she was kissing my cheek. I had a big, goofy grin on my face, and there was a sparkle in my eye that I had never seen before. We looked so happy, so completely in love. Maybe we were. Maybe we had been for a long time....


Again, only more questions surfaced.

I grabbed a cab outside of the airport, giving the driver directions to my office building. When we arrived, it seemed like nothing had changed. It almost felt like any other day arriving at work. Everything was the same.

I let out a huge sigh of relief, thinking to myself that maybe my whole world wasn't crashing down around me. I paid the driver and stepped out into the brisk LA sunshine. I smiled to myself as I walked one foot in front of the other into the rotating doors of the law firm.

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