Chapter: 13

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Then, I woke up.

I sat up quickly and grabbed at the spot beside me, digging around in the sheets for Bella like if I dug and search enough then she might suddenly appear. Nothing. Her side wasn't warm or even smelling of her. I looked around me, though, quickly realizing I was still in Seattle and worrying for nothing. And today was the wedding day.

My phone buzzed with a text message:

Wake up, sleepyhead. I think the sun's a little brighter today. Smile and watch the icicles melt away and see the water rising. Summer's here to stay, and all those summer games will last forever. - B

I smiled. Thank God.

I dressed, cursing the un-godly hour that everyone was up and buzzing around in my own house and made my way down stairs towards all of the commotion. Besides Rosalie's parents and mine, it was mostly the groomsmen whom were in my living room sitting around playing video games and looking quite tired and somewhat hungover.

"No! I promise you, I specifically said 10:30. Not 2:30!" I heard my mom as she raised her voice while on the phone. "This is just...completely unacceptable! No, sir! I mostly certainly will not calm down!"

Emmett yanked the phone away from her hand angrily. "Listen here, Reverend. I did not take those fucking premarital classes that you insisted on just so you could show up four goddamn hours..."

"Emmett! Don't say goddamn to the pastor!"

"...late for the fucking show..."

"It's a wedding not a concert!"

"...So you better say a few hail Mary's before you come here if you show up one minute past noon!" He ended the call and tossed the phone back to a seething Esme.

"Emmett, I am humiliated."

"He'll be here, Ma. That's all that matters."

"That's just great, Emmett! I was going to get him to do Edward and Jasper's weddings too! But I'm fairly certain that Reverend Johnson will never come near our family again!"

"We can only hope, Ma," Emmett muttered before answering his own phone in the next room.

"Wait, wait, wait. His name is Reverend Johnson?" Blake asked with a sly grin, pausing his game to lean over and catch Esme's eye.

She sent him a glare which was something completely foreign to my mother's usual wistful and cheery face. But the wedding was taking its toll on everyone's nerves and patience, even someone as sweet as Esme...the mother of all sweetness and patience. "Blake?" her tone held a small warning in it.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Do you plan on getting married anytime soon?" she asked.

"I don't know. How old is Miley Cyrus?"

I don't think I had ever seen one woman take charge and move about while ordering people around as quick and as diligent as my mother. But everyone listened to her, afraid of the consequences of not doing so, especially Blake who gave her a hard time just for the fun of seeing Esme steam. The joys of such a big wedding, I'm sure, was for a large group of people all of whom play an important role in the bride and groom's lives to see the happy couple tie the knot and celebrate together. However, this big of a wedding only caused stress and mass chaos within the wedding party.

"Okay. I have to run to the florist then to the church. Then, I've got to go to the hotel then back to the church. But first, I have to get my hair and nails done! Edward, get dressed! All of you, put your tuxes on! Now!"

I looked up from my bowl of Frosted Flakes as Esme's small, petite frame kept shouting and pushing around large, oversized 20-something year-old guys in the kitchen then went into the living room, shoving and shouting at more of them whom hadn't moved from their video game.

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