Chapter Ten: Meeting at the House of the Rising Sun

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Chapter Ten: Meeting at the House of the Rising Sun


After Selene left and the Senate continued on with the meeting, the day seemed to drag on forever. Helios wouldn’t go west fast enough, and I began to get antsy. I tapped my writing stylus against the table, and more than once had Antony told me to stop. I would glance around the table and Octavian was smirking at me. I glared back. The day, however, seemed eternal.

*   *   *

“Alexander, who is that girl?” Octavian asked me when we were back home. It was after dinner and I was outside in the alley. Helios was at the horizon, the sky glowing pink, orange, and dark blue. Some stars were starting to come out. “And this time don’t say you don’t know. I saw you too talking.”

“She…um…” I searched for a good enough lie. Octavian gasped.

“Are you two like…courting?” Octavian whispered. My eyes widened.

“No! Gods no!” I said. “No! Are you mad?! We were just talking about the city! She asked me if I was enjoying it and what not!” Antony was out with his peers, so I didn’t have to worry about him catching me. Octavian shrugged.

“Well, she was gorgeous. Venus would have been jealous.” I turned around and swallowed.

“Watch what you say about the gods,” I said, albeit lamely.

“If only we had girls like that back home. That Egyptian girl was very pretty.”

I whirled around. “Shut up, Octavian! Are you stupid? Romans and Egyptians do not mix! Yeah, she was pretty, but”—

“She was flirting with you,” Octavian sneered. I froze.

“Was she really?”

He smirked. “It’s all in the body language.”

“Was she r—that’s beyond the point! Octavian, you’re gonna bring us both down, plus an empire or two at the rate you’re going!” I threw my hands up in frustration.

“Alexander, calm down,” Octavian laughed. “Come on. You have to agree that she was pretty. Seriously, just admit it. She was flirting with you, after all.”

I wasn’t about to admit anything to Octavian.

“Well, well, well,” said a third, deep and grumbling voice. Suddenly Brutus was with us, and I stood a little straighter.

“Good evening, Brutus,” I said.

“Good evening,” Octavian followed.

Brutus smirked. “Heh. What are you boys up to tonight?”

“Nothing, sir, just waiting for Antony to come back,” I answered. Brutus turned his gaze towards Octavian.


“I’m waiting for my uncle. They went out,” Octavian answered quickly.

“Now you boys wouldn’t happen to be talking about Egyptian girls, would you?” Brutus chided. I clenched my jaw.

“Brutus, our masters have taught us well about staying on task and how not to let temptation take us by the hand to the depths of Pluto’s realm,” I growled. He placed his hands on his hips.

“But your master has obviously forgotten to teach you how to address an elder,” he stated.

“Brutus!” came a fourth voice from down the alley.

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