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(Mia P.O.V.)

Ugh, history.

I have always hated history. A bunch of information about old dead people.

No offence to Mrs. Fitz, but, it has always been so boring. I know, pay attention to class Mia.

Ugh. I wish that I did not have to always get such good grades. Everyone thinks that Taylor is the best and everything she does is perfect.

Why though? What makes her any better than me? Sure, I look like our father, but still!

She gets everything and it is not fair. I mean, she is my sister, and I love her and all, but still.

I am older than her, so shouldn't I get the better stuff? And why can she borrow my clothing, but God forbid I ever ask for a hoodie, my hoodie, none the less, in the middle of school, because I am cold.

Tay was not even using it! And I never got that hoodie back, actually.

To be honest, she is wearing my clothes right now! She has more clothes than me, but yet she always feels the need to take mine.

Well, my clothes are better. I will give her that.

But still. She asks, she gets. It is really obnoxious.

Usually, it takes me three buisness days to try and convince Mom to let me go to the mall. But, if Tay wants to go, it takes two minutes, and she gets a fifty.

Tay gets all of Mom's attention.

But, Dad loves me more. I think.

Crap, I should pay attention.

"So, I am going to hand out the syllabus and expect you guys to have it in by Friday. Your parents have to sign it, and I want you guys to read it. Friday is in two days. Easy 100."

Oh, boy, a syllabus. Just what I wanted.

Well, I guess it is easier than homework.

"Alright, there is five minutes left. You guys can use that to quietly talk."

I turn around and start talking to Taylor.

"Hey, Tay."

"Hey, Mia. Can you give me a ride? Practice is postponed till 5."

My phone makes an audiable buzzing.

New text from 'Daddy'

"Hey, after school, can you and Taylor come down to the station?"

"Okay. See you then."


There is a picture attached.

I open it.

There is a picture of the cutest golden retriver.

"That dog is so cute!" I text back.

"Crap, I meant to send that picture to your mother."

"Oopsies. Want Brett to come?"

"He does not need to."

"Tay, I think we might be getting a dog." I say, handing her my phone.

"Sweet, I have always wanted a dog."

"Same." I say. When I was seven, I had one thousand dollars saved up. I was going to buy a dog. I was going to do it. For real, I was going to do it, as seven year old me would say. But, my mom would not let me. Dad was on board, as long as it was a border collie or a golden retriver. My two favorite breeds of dogs. So, I invested it in the stock market, and to pay for my tuition at cop school, I am going to sell my stocks.

"Should we bring Brett?"

"Nah, he was being an ass earlier."

Finally. The ninth period bell.

Taylor and I get our stuff and go to my car.

"What should we name it? Well, if it does not already have a name. I think if it is a boy, Oakley."

"If it is a girl, I think K-9. Which would work for both a boy, and a girl."

"Same with Oakley."

We pull in to the police station.

Mia and I go inside.

"Hey, girls." Dad says.

"Hey, Daddy." I say.

"So, today, we had to shut down a kill shelter for many illegal things. Oakley here, well, she was next. She did not have a name, so I named her Oakley, because frankly, it is a cute name for a dog."

"Funny, on the way here, we were talking about dog names. I actually thought of Oakley." I say.

Wow, I am my father's daughter.

"So, can you take her home while I finish my shift? My car is signifigantly bigger, so we can swap cars for Oakley's comfort."

"Alright! Sounds good!"

"Well, I got to get back to work."

We quickly swap keys. Never have I realized how different our keys were. Dad's was just a car key and a house key, on one of the rings that come on a key chain, but lacked the decoration. Mine has my car keys, the house keys, the keys to the garage, and a girlier keychain than hot pink glitter and flowers combined, which I hate.

I take Oakley's leash and we walk out to the car.

I open the car door, and Oakley hops in.

"I am going to sit back here with Oakley."

"Alright, Tay."

I drive home and flip on the radio. "How To Save A Life" by The Fray comes on.

"Sweet." I say.

Taylor and I sing along very loudly with it on the way home.

"Hey Tay?"

"I know this is early, but what are you going to do?"

"I think become a lawyer. You?"

"I want to become a cop. Help people out."

"I can see you doing that."

"Good I think?"

We both laugh.

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