Bye Bye Miss American Pie

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(Day P.O.V.)



"Day, I know Matt. He is a fighter. He is going to be fine." Carlisle says, trying to confort me as Erica calls 911.

"An ambulance is going to be here in three minutes." Erica announces.

"Matt, you will be okay. I know it." I say, repetitivly.

An ambulance gets him on a stretcher.

"Any of you family or girlfriend?" The EMT asks.

"I am his girlfriend." I say.

"You can ride with us."

"Okay." I say, hopping in to the ambulance.

"This is on here tight." The same EMT says, cleaning the wound.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Some hooded figure came out of the woods and stabbed him. I used my shirt sleeve as a tourniquet."

"Good job with the tourniquet. Do you know who did the deed?"

"No idea." I say.

"This is a lot of blood. We can definatly give him blood at the hospital, as long as he is not AB positive. AB positive is rare. If he is, I don't know how much we have."

"My twin and I are both AB positive. I will give him some of mine, and Carlisle, my brother, has no choice."

"What is the patient's name?"

"Matt Kingston."

"Oh, his parents are working tonight."

"Oh great." I say, sarcasticaly.

They pull him out of the ambulance.

"Day, what happened? Why are you here?" Melissa asks.

"Some hooded figure popped out of nowhere and stabbed Matt's leg." I say, sobbing.

"Oh god." She says, pulling me in to a hug.

Well this is very awkward. I am sobbing in to my boyfriend's mother's chest.

"Hey, he is AB positive blood. We need a pint and a half, or we can give him any type." The EMT says.

"I will give him some blood. I have the same blood type." I say.

"Really?" Melissa says. "Wanns go halvsies?" She asks.

"Yeah, sure."

"Let's go get our blood drawn."

Three hours later

Why is everyone here. Matt probably doesn't even know half the people who are here.

"Do we ask her what happened?" My mom asks my dad.

"I am not deaf, some masked figure came out of the woods and stabbed Matt."

"What was it wearing?" Dad asks.

"All black, why?" I say.

"It was A. We need to tell her about A." Mom says

"When Emily, Spencer, Hanna, and I were about your age, there was person stalking us. It all started after who we thought was Ali's funeral. They were buried in her backyard. The first message we all recived said 'I'm still here, bitches. And I know everything. - A'."

Do I tell her about the messages we have gotten?

"Anyways, it gradually got worse. The first concerning move was A hitting Hanna with a car. From there it kind of went down hill."

"I need to tell her why I have that scar."

"Oh. Yeah you probably do."

"Which scar?" I ask.

Dad lifts up his shirt, revealing a round scar.

"I was shot by A."

"Code blue! Room 181." The hospital people yell.

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