I'm back

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(Erica P.O.V.)

So, I have gotten really close to Maya's daughter, Liv.

She is the epitome of who I am.

"Hey, wanna go to the Brew and get smoothies? I hear we can talk Ezra in to putting weird stuff in if he is working."

"He probably won't be working today." I say.

"Why wouldn't he be working?"

"His daughter just gave birth."

"His daughter? I thought we are the same age as her."

"Other daughter. She is still kind of young."

"How old is she?"


"Teen mom, eh?"

"Yup. But I need coffee, so let's go."


I grab my keys and wallet, and we go out to the car.

"So, my one of my friend's boyfriend works there. He is a bro, so maybe if you ask him to make someting, he will do it." I say.

"It may work."

After a very short drive, we get to the Brew.

"Hey, Mitch. This is Liv."

"Hi, Liv, nice to meet you. What's up, Erica?"

"We want smooties."

"What type?" He asks.

"No clue." I say.

Liv and I pick out the grossest combination we can think of: strawberry and peanut butter, and pear peanut butter.

"Hey Mitch, we would like a strawberry peanut butter and a pear peanut butter smoothie." I say.

"Yeah it does sound pretty gross." Liv says.

"$8.87 please." Mitch says.

I hand him a ten and drop the change in the tip jar.

"Oh my god." I say.

"What?" Liv asks.

"I'm sorry, I think I see Jessie Dilaurentis."

"Who is that?" She asks.

I pull out my phone and look for a picture of her.

"That is her, right? I am not going crazy, am I?"

"Nope, that looks like her."

"I'm gonna go talk to her."

"Jessie? Jessie Dilaurentis?"

"Shh." She hushes me.

"What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were dead." I say.

"I'm back."

"I am calling the girls over here right now." I say.

"Okay." She sighs.

I text the girls a S.O.S.

"Where at? - D"

Oh yeah, I need a meeting point.

"The Brew." I respond.

Ten minutes later, everyone is there.

"Holy crap, is that Jessie?" The ask.

"Yes, it is me."

"Where were you? Why did you dissapear?" Day asks.

"I was locked in a bunker."

"Where?" I ask.

"No frickin clue."

"Guys, I have been waiting to tell you this. I figured it was a sign because Jessie is back, so I need to do it." Taylor says.

"What? Are you A?" Day asks, sounding panicked.

"No. Why would I be A?" Tay asks.

"Promise you won't be mad?" She asks.


"Give me a minute." She says, walking out, and coming back in.

"Hi, I'm bi."

"So? Still the same person that you were yesterday." Day asks.

"Okay, Day is my new favorite." Tay says, laughing.

"I know who A is." Jessie says.


The way Tay came out was similar to the way my friend came out to me. She was really terrified, which totally freaked me out, and she just came out.

Day's reaction was exactly like mine.

She still doesn't know I'm bi. Still hiding in the closet.

Not the best chapter, but I am proud I figured out what to write.

I may not be able to make it to 50 chapters. Sorry. Maybe 40. I can promise 40. 50 is not very likely.

I have plans for at least the next 3-4 chapters.

Any body's POV you guys want?

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