I can't think of a name but here this is!

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(Daykota's P.O.V)

So Jamie Kahn is a bitch. She is the daughter of queen Bitch, Cece Drake.

Besides, who names their daughter Jamie?

What I did not mention to every one, was that so called A tortured our parents. I have no idea how bitch got out of jail.

So, what do we do? Do we report queen bitch?

I text Tay. She will know what to do.

"Should we report Queen Bitch Cece? - D"

"We should not. She is a ducking bitch. - T"

"Damn, it auto-correct. I never will mean ducking. - T"

This is the reason I love Taylor. She is not shy.

"Hey, Daykota, why don't you come downstairs for dinner?" Dad yells.

Uh oh. My parents only call me that when they are mad, or there is something up.

I slowly walk down the stairs.

"What's up?" I say.

"Sit down." Mom says.

Why is everyone sitting at the table? And why does Brooklyn seem really stressed?

"I know I didn't do anything. What is happening?"

"Sit down, it's just a talk." Mom says.

Okay, good.

"You are probably wondering why we gathered you here."

"Um, well I am pregnant." Brooklyn says.

"Wait, so I am going to be an aunt." say.

"You heard me. Yes, you are."

Well, it could be worse. She could be dying.

"Who did that to you?" Carlsile asks.

"Don't kill him." I say.

"Tyler Rivers."

"Oh boy." Dad says.

"Wait, Tyler Rivers? As in your best friend? " I say.

"Can I kill him?" Carlisle asks.

"Carlisle." I say, cautiously.

"Go ahead." Dad permits.

"Can I join you?" Aspen asks.

"Be my guest." Carlisle says.

"No." I say. "He did do an awful thing, but do not be a killer."

"True, but still." Dad says, whining.

"Well, Tyler is a good kid. He is also Hanna's child. That baby will be spoiled." Mom says.

"Are you going to keep it?" Carlisle asks.

"C, I am not aborting it. That just does not feel right. And adoption? I don't want to wait nine months to push something out of me and not keep it."

"Alright." C says.

Odd. The girl who never was going to have sex, had sex.

(Brooklyn's P.O.V.)


The party of the summer. The Kahn party.

Historically, Kahns have been party children. Jack and Jamie Kahn were throwinf the it party.

Tyler got invited. Being the nerd I am, I did not.

I was his 'plus one.'

Of course, I was not on birth control.

No biggie. If I have sex, I will make him use a condom.

"This party SUCKS." Ty said to me.

We were both drunk.

We found the nearest bedroom.


Well, I know how it happened.

"I am going to call Tyler now, and have him meet me somewhere."

"Brooklyn, do that at the Brew."

"Dad!" Daykota says.

"It happend before. At least at the Brew I have my wonderful employees to make sure it does not happen again." He says.

Phone call

"Hey B." Ty says.

"Hey, can we meet at the Brew in twenty? This is really important."

"Alright. I am already there. How about we meet when you get there."

"Okay, be there in five."

I drive to the Brew.

"What is up, B? You look stressed." Ty asks.

"Sit down." I command.

"Okay." He says, confused.

"I am pregnant. The baby is yours. And if you leave, I do have two very protective brothers."

"Wait, wat? How?"

"When a man and a woman love each other very much, the" I say, before getting cut off.

"No, when?"

"At the Kahn summer party. I think the condom broke."

"Okay. This is not the most convinient time, but I will be here for you and baby."

"Thank you, Ty."

"Should we search for an apartment?" He asks

"Probably. I want to stay in Rosewood though." I say.

"Me two. Can I tell my parents?"

"They are going to find out sooner or later."

"Can you tell them with me? Dreading it."

"Of course. I will probably see your family a lot very soon."

"Yeah, ya probably will."

"Well, what do we want to do with it?"

"Keep it. I am not pushing it out of me and giving it up."

"Alright. That is honestly what I wanted also."

"When should we go apartment hunting?"

"Next Saturday would be good."

"Alright. That will work." I say.

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