First things first, your gender doesn't matter!!! What I mean is, so many people restrict their actions because of gender expectations. People tend to think that there are girl things, and there are boy things. Let me tell you something: YOURE WRONG!
I have heard so many people say, "Pink is for girls!' Or "football is for boys" well, let me correct these statements (and a few more) with my own thoughts:
Pink is for everybody. Football is for everybody. Painting nails is for everybody. Sports are for everybody. Makeup is for everybody. love is for everybody. EVERYTHING IS FOR EVERYBODY!!!
And don't even get me started on this whole "same sex marriage subject. That's for the next chapter!
Mind to Words
RastgeleThis is book is just "pages" full of things that show how my mind works. It is like a diary/journal. Everybody has opinions and feelings for different situations and I thought I would share my views on some things.