Chapter 11

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Jessie's POV

I walked out of the school's building and found niall casually leaning on his car texting. He looked up and noticed me instantly grinning and waving at me.

I looked at him oddly and debated whether to walk away like I didn't notice him or talk to him."Sky!" Too late. He jogged to me and I just offered him a smile.

"Ready to hang out? I was thinking to go to starbucks is that okay with you?"

I looked behind me and found no one."Are you talking to me?" I asked confused while he laughed.

"Oh you're so funny. Of course I'm talking to you, I've been waiting for you for an hour. Lets go!" He opened for me the passenger door and I got in. Wow that guy must really like or maybe skylar.

"Had fun in your detention?"

"Oh yea I almost cried from joy." I said sarcastically, almost cried is true not so sure about the joy part. But its all going to be worth it in the end. I smirked remembering my evil plan.


"Can I get your orders?" A waiteress asked with bored tone.

"A cup of coffee please." Niall spoke first, the waitress looked up from her notebook, when she saw Niall her eyes sparkled like christmas trees.

That bitch better stay in her lane or else that blusher on her cheek won't be the only thing thats keeping her cheeks red. Sure I don't like Niall that way but he looks perfect for skylar, and I'm not letting her ruin that.

I cleared my throught."I would like some Caramel hot chocolate."She snapped her wide eyes towards me, like she just noticed I am here.

She swallowed."Coming right up."

"So how are you?"

"Im fine." I said still a little flustered.

"Umm..and how is your parents?" I tensed and he noticed.I could tell he's just trying to spike the conversation but really?

"Err, they're dead." I darted my eyes everywhere but at his widened sea blue ones.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't know that!"

"Don't be. Its not your fault don't ever appologize!" I looked square into his eyes. That is something my mother used to tell me Never appologize for something you didn't do and never cry over something thats not worth it.

She told me that when I was crying for a week after finding out why Drake was really dating me.Since then I never cried not even when we ran away from that war leaving her and my father behind, my sadness turned into anger and I used to let this anger out on a punching bag. On the other hand, my sister would lock herself in a room crying and listen to some sad sappy songs.I still wonder if my parents are okay or if I will ever see them again.

"Your orders." The waitress came breaking my unpleasant trip to memory lane. Neverthless I wish she never came, she now has the first two buttons of her shirt undone showing her cleavage and her hair which was first tied in a tight ponytail is now loose showing how perfect her wavy brunette hair is.

She bent down to give us our drinks but she was practically shoving her boobs in niall's face. Thankfully niall just picked up his cup and sipped, I don't think he even noticed she was seducing him. The girl huffed and walked away.

I stifled the laugh that was about to burst."What?" Niall asked completely oblivious.

"Oh nothing." I smirked and sipped my own cup.

Oh he's a keeper.

My ringtone Walk by kwabs was heard and I quickly looked at the caller and found its Skylar,"I got to take that.Excuse me." I stood up and walked away from niall so he can't hear me.


"Its nice to hear from you too."My sister spoke with sarcasm, I rolled my eyes."Harry texted me that he wants to see me his house." My bored face soon broke into a smirk.This is going to be fun.

"Thanks kiddo I'll take it from here, oh and by the way I totally ship you with Niall. Hmm did someone say skiall or Nylar?"

"Wha-"I quickly hung up with a satisfying smile.When I turned around that waitress bitch took my seat and was chatting with niall while he looked uncomfortable. Without thinking I walked directly to him, grabbed his head between my hands and slamed my open mouth to his. His eyes widened but when he realized it was me he closed it, probably enduring the moment.

You'll thank me later skylar.

How do you even know skylar likes him?

I just feel it. Its a twin thing you won't understand pft.

I glanced at the brunette waitress who looked repulsed by seeing us kissing, she walked away with what's left of her dignity.

I finally broke the kiss."Wow!Its even better than I imagined!" He cleared his throat,"I mean your a good"

"Niall." I cut him off smiling," Its okay."

The drive back was awkwardly silent, I could tell he wanted to say something but was unsure what to say. He parked infront of my house and I thanked him for the ride.

I was about to get out of the car when,"Why did you kiss me?" The question took me by surprise.

" looked like you needed help." I said referring to the waitress and how he looked uncomfortable.

"Oh." He looked away," Thanks." I bite the inside of my cheek, I don't know if I'm helping them together or just ruinning any chance.

"M-maybe we'll talk about this later you know? It was really fun hanging with you lets not ruin the night."

"Yeah, maybe your right." He smiled and I grinned back. Niall waited until I got safely in my house until he got into his house which is...directly infront of mine. I forgot about that.

[So skiall or Nylar???
Good night
Adiooos amigooo
Talkative much????]

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