Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

It was lunch time and I was sitting at my usual table with Louis, Maddy,Claire and Vivian.

"Does this shirt look a little tight to you harry?" Maddy whispered in my ear while running her fingers down my shirt to you know where.

I caught her wrist before she could reach it and glanced down at her low cut shirt,"Yeah its too tight in fact I think you gained weight this past week."

She gasped,"No I did not! I bought this shirt tight on purpose." She blurted.

"Then don't ask me if its tight." I deadpanned.

Grayson soon came into the cafetria he looked around him nervously, girls behind him noticed him and giggled. He turned around to them quickly and started walking backwards to our table, I noticed there was gum stuck on his pants.

Grayson looked at his seat then sat down with a huff.

"Dude, you have gum on your ass." Louis said with his nose scrunched up.

"Yeah no shit sherlock." Grayson rolled his eyes and looked at me all of a sudden, "We're cool now right mate?"

Since the day I punched him after he almost raped Skylar I haven't spoke to him, so why the hell would he think we're cool?

"Um, I heard you don't really like that skylar chick. So you can't be mad at me?" He gave me a questionning look. I looked accusingly at Louis for he must've told him the real reason why I hang out with skylar, louis just shrugged.

"Yeah man we're cool, bros before hoes right?" He laughed and we did our manly handshake. Although its sick what he wanted to do for money he is still my childhood friend.

Maddy cleared her throat,"First there are girls here so ouch! Second, we still don't know why you have gum on your pants and walking like a mad man?"

"That crazy bitch skylar had put gum on every seat I sit on in every class!" He hissed.

"Um, you have a gum stuck in your hair too."Vivian motioned on her head where the gum is.

"Oh man! Not my hair!" Grayson whined while trying to pull the gum out. "Great. Fuckin great."

"As funny as that sounds, I don't think a sweet innocent girl as skylar would do that!" Louis scoffed.

"She put blue paint in my locker! This girl acts all sweet but is truly a devil!" Maddy glared at louis." Plus, she had afterschool detention yesterday.Perfect chance to do her revenge on grayson too."

"Yeah man, even when I wanted to put the password combination to open my locker it was covered in chewed gum! I was too disgusted to touch it I carried my books all day." Grayson huffed.

"C'mon you are gross, I bet you were too scared to see whats inside your locker." Claire snorted. Not attractive.

"Shut the fuck up."Grayson glared at her.

"Well maybe if you guys haven't had tried to rape her in the beginning none of that would have happened!" I accused them, they were all shocked of my outburst. Hell, even I myself was shocked! I grabbed my bagpack from under the table and stood up leaving the cafetria without giving them a second glance.

Jessie's POV

"What do you mean your not going to school anymore?" I yelled at my sister.

"You heard me. I won't let maddy humiliate me more."She plopped on the couch eating coco pops with no milk.

"But I already took your revenge on her. There's nothing to worry about."

"Ha-ha yea nice try, Rose told me everything. You made everything worse!" That blabber mouth. I sighed and plopped on the couch next to her giving up on the conversation.

"Hey jessie?" She whispered.


"Why don't you go to school as you?"

"I guess after our parents died, I gave up. I mean whats the point of being successful in life when you'll end up dead in the end?" She frowned at my response.

"First, we're still not sure they are dead so don't say that. Second,Man you sound like Maria! But at least she goes to school!" She huffed.

"I guess I'm going to be always a theif." I smiled sardonically. I suddenly remembered the date night with harry and checked the time."Lets do something, I still got time until harry comes to pick me up."

"What do you suggest to do then?" I smirked evily and I could tell she got scared.


"When I ...said...suggest something." Skylar gasped for air,"I thought like watch a movie or something!"

Since I noticed skylar have been gainning weight and doing nothing all day, I thought we could run for at least an hour. Its been 14 minutes and skylar is soaked with sweat and looks like she was about to die.

"Oh my god! Are you running or swimming in the air!" I shrieked. Skylar was swinging her arms back and forth, does she think like that she will run any faster?

"Can we...take a..little break?" She colapsed on the floor laying on her back.

"Not really sure there is another option but sure." I rolled my eyes and started stretching my neck.

"Oh look that guy looks just like harry but upside down!" I froze mid-stretching my arm. She rolled and pulled herself up,"Oh shit, it is him!"

All of a sudden I found myself being thrown in a bush! The crazy things this girl does! Ugh I think I scratched my hand?

I peeked inbetween the leaves at skylar wanting so bad to curse."Skylar?" Harry's voice interupted my temptations to curse.

"H-harry." Skylar inhaled deeply,"what a coincidence!"

"You jog here like me?" His eyes seemed to sparkle?

Skylar cleared her throat,"Yeah I've been jogging for like an hour."
Psh, yeah right!

"Did you hear something?" Harry looked around him. My eyes widened shit I said that out loud!

"Yeah! Yeah that was me! I said yeah right because I totally forgot thaaaat I can't stop running, you're ruinning my fitness plan so please carry along." Skylar spoke quickly and shooed him away.

What I can not believe is how it worked and how she came up with a lie so fast?

"Okay see ya tonight babe!" Harry winked at her and jogged away. I felt a pang inside of me.

Yup thats jealousy bitch. The inner me spoke.


[Okay so next chapter is when jessie goes out with harry!!! Stay tuned.(always wanted to say that)

Looove you ma little cocos! ]

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