Bye, Dad.

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It is currently three a.m. In the morning, and I am packed and standing outside the apartments. I am on the curb of the street, letting the snow pelt my face. I was making my way to a bus stop, hoping to head back to the orphanage. I grabbed some money from Dan's wallet for the bus ticket and bought one to Lake Side Street.

I walked to the nearest and sat down in a bus top station, no one next to me. My backpack was full of my clothes and my phone. Luckily there was a street lamp next to me so I wasn't to panicked. I pulled out my phone and looked through all my pictures. I saw May of all of us smiling, selfies, my birthday. None of them were sad.

My old life that I had a year ago was the ideal life, one that everyone wants. I had it. And now, I don't .

Tears slipped down my cheeks and I wiped them with the back of my hand, which had a glove on it. My sad peace was disturbed by headlights coming towards the stop.

The bus.

I grabbed my stuff and boarded it when I stopped, swing no one else was on it.

"Lake side street?" The woman driving the bus asked me.

I nodded and took a seat in the back, looking out the window. Through the pelting snow, I saw four figures make their way towards the bus.  It was Dan, _______, Phil and Rebecca. As the bus started to move, I saw Dan's eyes match mine and sheer terror filled his face. We started to go faster and I took one last look at his face before turning away.

When we arrived, I thanked the lady and headed out into the orphanage. Of course, the door was locked so I had to run the doorbell.

Oh yeah, remember that blonde girl? She's Kristina, my best friend.

The door opened to a sleepy Kayla, my helper at the orphanage, and she instantly recognized me . She let me in and locked the door back, leading me up to my room.

"Kayla," I started, "was Kristina adopted?"

Kayla looked t me with wide eyes and shock that I just spoke. She hugged me and nodded her head slowly.

"yeah she was sweetie. Get some rest and will talk more tomorrow okay?"

I nodded and plopped down in the bed, instantly falling asleep.

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