Chapter 5

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The day kept going, and all I did was wait.

Dan was still in the adoption room while I was sorting my Pokémon cards.

Water type... Fire type...

I carefully out them in stacks and memorized the names while I was at it. Then, there was an abrupt knock on my door. I slowly rolled over and opened the door. Standing outside was the center director. Her glowing face told me something was going on.

"Hi Casey! How are you today?"

I raised my eyebrow in suspicion, and she just kept smiling.

"Great! Well I have some fantastic news for you!" She beamed. "You met Dan correct?"

I nodded. Why was she so happy? It made me sick.

"Well he has chosen to adopt you!"

What?! That can't be right.  I stared at her with wide eyes, and my mouth was slightly open.

"It may be shocking, but it's true! Hurry, pack up!" With that, she left.

I shook my head and sat there for a second. Why me, out of the hundreds here? The girl who can't speak, is paralyzed, and can't temper anything about her past.

I brushed off my questions and got packed as fast as I could. I scooped up the Pokémon cards. I looked at my limited edition Squirtle card, and then glanced at Savannah. I picked up the card and placed it in her memory box I made her. I kissed her forehead and grabbed my suitcase. I opened the door and heard Dan's voice.

That voice... I knew it from somewhere...

Whatever, I need to stay focused. I rolled out of my room with my suitcase behind me. I turned the corner and saw Dan with his arms crossed and a concerned look on his face.

I stopped and backed up to hear what they said.

"Sir, are you 100% sure about this decision?" The director asked him.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He snapped back at her.

"Sir, don't take it the wrong way-"

"No, okay? Don't talk to me anymore about MY CHOICE of a daughter. My late wife would have picked her at first sight," His voice rose every word until he was practically yelling. "so don't you DARE try to talk me out of it."

I took a deep breath as there was a moment of silence. He is just angry, right? This can't be his normal state. I pushed myself out from the corridor and smiled and half-fake smile.

He saw me and smiled. Not a fake smile, a genuine one.

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