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When I woke, I heard shouting from the bottom of the house. I realized I was still in my clothes but I didn't care as I ran down the stairs to see Dan demanding to see me. I curled up in a corner of the staircase so they wouldn't see me.

"I demand to see her!" He shouted.

"I'm sorry sir you can't see her right now."

I heard all of them start to fight. I put t hands on my ears and felt the darkness swallow me and the voices linger.


I wasn't going down like this.

"Stop!" I screamed.

Suddenly, everything was quiet and I heard Dan whisper my name. I saw him run past Kayla and engulfed me in a hug, everyone else quickly behind.

"Don't ever do that again!" He told me.

I didn't react. Why would he say that? I am only a mess maker. 

"W-why do you still care?" I stumbled.

His eyes got wide and watery as he looked at me. 

"I always did Casey and I always will. Casey, I shouted at you because I was still fed up and shaken at behind at the hospital. Casey we all Care about you and love you and I don't see why you ran away."

"To get away from them."

Dan lifted my head up an looked deep I I my eyes.


I knew I said to much when they started to scold me. But no one ever knew who I was talking about. But only I knew.

Because I was talking about me.

My emotions are them. They spiraled out of control in the crash and they tease me. I know it's me controlling them, but sometimes it doesn't feel like it.

"Me. My emotions," I choked.

Dan looked at Phil and _____ with concern. He flicked his glance back to me and tilted his head a bit.

I looked down, knowing I was going back to Therapy. I Felt someone push me into their chest and it was Dan.

"Thy can't hurt you with me around. Home?" He asked me.

I nodded and we exited the home, getting into the bus, an going back home.


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