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The revelation of Liam Dunbar having severe anger issues was enough to send the the five into overdrive as they prepared for tonight. While worrying for Kira's safety since she was alone in a car with the turning freshman, they awaited the arrival of the duo.

Liam was currently under the impression that he was attending a party filled with juniors since it was at Lydia's. Little did he knew that he was actually being brought to what they liked to call an intervention. With all six of them there to keep Liam from escaping, Foster had a feeling that they would be having better luck with getting through to him tonight.

Well, that and the fact that he would actually be shifting into a werewolf, but it was all semantics. 

By the time the front door finally opened, exhales of relief were soon flooding the room around them. They were pleased to know that Kira made it here without become a chew toy and that they finally had Liam where they needed him.

When he entered the lake house, Liam's face noticeably darkened at the sight of Scott, Stiles, Foster, Lydia, and Malia. They were all a bit sheepish, unsure as to how they should go about this. Last time they made it so that Liam would not want to go a hundred feet near them, and once again, they had tricked the boy into their clutches without his consent.

Awkwardly, Stiles nodded in acknowledgement causing Liam to glance back to Kira bitterly.

Sheepish, she shut the door, the vixen apologized, "Sorry."

Annoyed, Liam reluctantly turned to face the teenagers in front of him. Kira stationed herself in front of the door to keep the boy from escaping, the blue eyed beta forced to face the problem at hand.

He held his arms out in questioning, demanding, "What the hell is this?"

Foster and Lydia glanced toward one another nervously, neither of the girls sure of what to say. They were personally planning on leaving this all up to Scott to explain, both of them mildly terrified after seeing what he did to his teacher's car. He was bound to lash out after they tricked him here and they didn't want to be caught in the aftermath of it while he wolfed out.

"Think of it like an intervention," Stiles offered, holding his arms out. Foster watched as he spoke in silence, knowing that she was bound to say the wrong thing if she opened her mouth. She was never good in these situations, in all honesty. "You have a problem, Liam."

"And we're the only ones who can fix it," Scott finished, Foster taking notice of the way Liam's body grew rigid. He stiffened as they spoke, becoming defensive. Not only that, but the way his body was beginning to seethe with anger. While it may have had to do with his angers, there was no doubt in their minds that the full moon was beginning to start its effect.

Soon enough, when Liam stayed silent, the teenagers were delving into their tale. While they made sure to keep out the minor facts of how they chronically face mass murderers and homicidal foxes, they did explain what was happening. They revealed how Beacon Hills was actually a beacon for the supernatural, many creatures taking a home in their county.

The explained the night that Scott got bitten by Peter - selectively not mentioned that Peter murdered a good portion of the town - and how he began his transition. They voiced how Lydia was a banshee, and Kira's Japanese ancestry revealed that she was a kitsune. A thunder one, at that. They told the tale of how they brought Malia out from the body of a coyote after eight years, and how Foster could just randomly seem to heal herself whenever needed.

Once again, the answer as to what Foster still remained to be a work in progress for them all.

Eyeing them all suspiciously, Liam pointed toward Scott. "Werewolf. . . werecoyote, banshee?" Lydia held up a finger in acknowledgement, Liam's faze falling upon the blonde in between the banshee and werewolf. "Something?"

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