Chapter Four: The Next King of Games - Part Two

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Jaden: (6400 LP)

Yugi: (2000 LP)

Jaden: Alright Yugi its your turn.

Yugi: (draw) I set one monster facedown and end my turn.

Jaden: Thats it? (draw) Has the King of Games givin up?

Yugi: No way. 

Yugi thinks to himself. "What would the Pharaoh do? What would he do? I might lose here. But at least if i lose ill lose to Jaden." 

Jaden: Alright, Yubel, Attack Yugi's facedown monster!

Yugi: It was the monster Spell Ghoul.

Jaden: Spell Ghoul!? 

Yugi: When Spell Ghoul is attacked in battle all damage is reduced to 0 and you lose 800 life points for every spell in my hand. I have two.

Jaden: Agh!! (4800 LP)

Yugi: Gotchya Jaden. 

Jaden: I'm not done yet. I summon Neo-Spacian  Grand Mole! (Atk: 900) 

Yugi: I'm gonna take a tip from Kaiba. (draw) I activate my facedown trap card called DNA Surgery! I switch all types of monsters to Dragon Types. 

Jaden: Huh? Yubel, Grand Mole!

Yugi: I activate the spell Interdimensional Fusion! I can fuse monsters on both our fields and our graveyards and they are all treated as one type, Dragon. I fuse Spell Ghoul, Yubel, Grand Mole, Medium and Big Shield Gardna from my graveyard to fusion summon, Five Headed Dragon! (Atk: 5000) 

Jaden: When did you get that card?

Yugi: Once when me and Kaiba battled his father, that was only thirsty for money. His greed got him defeat and i took this monster of his. The Five Headed Dragon! Now End This Duel!!!

Jaden: I activate the spell, Flute of summoning Kuriboh! It summons Winged Kuriboh to my field! (Def: 200) No. I'm sorry Kuriboh.  

Yugi: I end my turn.

Jaden: My turn. (draw) I activate the spell De-Fusion on your dragon!

Yugi: No!

Jaden: That means my Yubel and Grand Mole return to me! (Atk: 0) (Atk: 900)

Yugi: And Spell Ghoul, Medium and Big Shield Gardna return to my field. (Def: 900) (Def: 1800) (Def: 2600) 

Jaden: Now, Yubel attack Big Shield Gardna! I win Yugi!

Yugi: I dont think so Jaden. I activate the spell card Battle Change! So now you will attack my Spell Ghoul! And i take no battle damage and you now take 800 points of damage because i have a spell card in my hand! 

Jaden: Agh! (4000 LP) Grand Mole, Attack his Ghoul! And when Grand Mole attacks a monster him and the other monster return to the hand! 

Yugi: (Draw) That doesn't make sense. I'll just re-summon my Spell Ghoul. (Atk: 100) Now Spell Ghoul will attack Yubel! And since i dont take damage you just take another 800 damage.

Jaden: Agh! (3200 LP) 

Yugi: I end my turn. 

Jaden: (draw) Yugi hasn't used Obelisk the Tormentor since i negated his attack. What is he waiting for? I activate the Change of Heart spell card. Now your Obelisk the Tormentor belongs to me Yugi! (Atk: 4000)

Yugi: Oh no.

Jaden: Obelisk, attack Big Shield Gardna! 

Yugi: Agh!

Jaden: Plus you take damage because your monster was in defense mode.

Yugi: Agh! (600 LP)

Jaden: Man. This duel is so exhausting. (3200 LP)

Jesse: Jaden! Dont give up, you have almost won ya hear me?!

Jaden: Dont worry Jess. I wont lose.

Yugi: (draw) I set one facedown. I end my turn.

Jaden: (draw) I set two facedowns. Now Obelisk attack Medium Shield Gardna! 

Yugi: I activate the spell card Final Battle! We both take damage equal to Obelisks' attack points. Its a draw Jaden!

Jaden: I dont think so. I activate the spell Human Shield and Ring of Defense! Ring of Defense saves me from all the damage and Human Shield adds lifepoints to my score equal to what i would have lost. (7200 LP)

Yugi: I lost. (0 LP) 

Jesse: Jaden, You won!!

Jaden: I did Jesse. I did.


Thanks for reading!

 I know this update was two days late and i apologize. But now things should be OK. 

The Next update will be 8/7 

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Thanks again guys!! You guys are the best! 

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