Chapter Eight: Zane and Aster VS Soul and Shadow

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Aster and Zane: (4000 LP)

Soul and Shadow: (4000 LP)

Aster: Well i guess ill start this off. (draw) I summon Destiny Hero Diamond Dude! (Atk: 1400) Next ill lay a facedown.

Soul: It shall be my turn. (draw) I summon Relentless Ghoul! (Def: 600) Then i will end with a facedown as well.

Zane: What a pathetic move. (Draw) I activate the spell card Instant Cyber Connection! It fuses any "Cyber" monsters in my hand or deck to fusion summon. I fuse the three Cyber Dragons in my deck to fusion summon Cyber End Dragon! (Atk: 4000) I set one facedown card.

Shadow: (Draw) I summon Phantom Chariot! (Atk: 800) And this Chariot is more helpful than you think. Once per turn this Chariot will summon a Phantom Minion to my field. (Def: 0) I end with a facedown.

Aster: Alright. Zane. Were gonna wrap this up. 

Zane: You know it. 

Aster: (draw) I summon Destiny Hero Doom Lord. (Atk: 600) And now my Doom Lord will remove from play your Chariot! You'll see it in two turns..

Shadow: Oh no!

Aster: Now Diamond Dude, Attack Shadow's Phantom Minion!

Shadow: I activate the trap Phantom Force! This activates when a "Phantom" monster is destroyed in battle. Now you'll take damage equal to the difference in the attack and defense points.

Aster: Agh! (2600 LP)

Zane: Aster!

Aster: Im fine Zane. Finish this duel.

Soul: You will not win this battle. (draw) I summon Restless Guardian. (Def: 2100) 

Zane: Oh but i will. (Draw) Cyber End Dragon attack Shadow directly!

Shadow: Agh!!! (0 LP)

Zane: And thats it.


Zane smirks then walks off stage after the final attack. Jaden squints. "Those two didn't stand a chance against Zane." Atticus says. "That means its you and Alexis against Zane and Aster." Jesse says. "You just shouldn't show up Jaden. Aster and Zane has crushed everyone they duel. And they will crush you." Chazz says. "Well, you guys might not believe me but i went to Domino City and i battled the King of Games, Yugi Moto. And i won." Jaden says. "Thats impossible. He is the King of Games." Bastion and Hassleberry say. "Its true." Jesse says. "I watched him." 

Jaden stares onto the duel field while his friends talk. Yubel's spirit talks to Jaden. "Five days. Five days until were done at this academy Jaden." Yubel says. "Yeah i know." Jaden says. "In a hour you must face them and you must win Jaden." Yubel says. "Oh i will. I refuse to lose." Jaden says.


And that will be it for todays chapter. Thank you all so much for reading!!

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Next update will be 8/17. 

Thanks again guys. You are all amazing! :D


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