Chapter Ten: The Finals - Part Two

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Aster drew a card from his deck. Glaring at Zanes Cyber Dragon. 

Aster: I sacrifice Cyber Dragon to summon Destiny Hero Double Dude! (Atk: 1000)

Zane: Now you stole my monster..

Aster: Dont pout Zane. Now Double Dude, Attack Jaden's Air Hummingbird! 

Jaden: Gah! (3800 LP) 

Aster: And Double Dude can deal double the pain, Attack Jaden directly!

Jaden: Ahh! (2800 LP) 

Aster: Ill end with a facedown.

Alexis: Its my turn. (draw) I tribute my Blizzard Falcon and my Frost Giant to summon my Frost Flaked Queen! (Atk: 2700) 

Jaden: Sweet move Lex.

Alexis: Yes because when Frost Flaked Queen is summoned I can select one monster on the field and freeze its attack points, reducing them to zero. I select Cyber End Dragon!

Aster: I think not, I activate my trap card Destiny Knot! This activates when a monster is targeted by a card effect. It negates the effect and in return i must lose 800 lifepoints. (1200 LP)

Zane: I didnt need the save Aster.

Aster: Can it Zane. I cant win this duel by myself.

Alexis: Flaked Queen attack Double Dude!

Aster: I activate the trap card Destiny Bond. This card activates when im about to lose lifepoints. If my lifepoints are reduced to zero, the player that delt the damage loses their lifepoints as well! 

Alexis: Oh no!

Aster: Gah, Ahh! (0 LP)

Alexis: Jaden, I still have a facedown. Use it. 

Jaden: Alexis!

Alexis: Gah! Agh! (0 LP) 

Jaden: Alexis!

Zane: Well at least you took out Alexis Aster.

Aster: Its up to you now Zane.

Zane: I wont disappoint.

Alexis: Im fine Jaden. Just win this for us.

Jaden: Alright. Time to get my game on. 

Zane: Not much of a game now Jaden, You're wide open and my monster has 4000 attack points.

Jaden: He's right. Grr. 

Zane: (draw) Now Cyber End Dragon, End this duel! Supreme Cosmic Blast! 

Aster: Yes!

Alexis: Jaden!! 

Zane: It's game over Jaden!


Well that brings us to the end of this Chapter. Thank you all so much for reading! 

We hit a Thousand Reads on Part One!! That in itself is nuts! So Thanks alot guys!

Next update will probably be 8/22 or 8/23 Since i begin school tomorrow. 

Thanks again guys i really really appreciate all you awesome fans. I've even decided to do a Volume 3!!

If you guys are hype for Volume 3 after this Volume make sure to Vote, Comment and Share.


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