Chapter 4 ♚

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Chapter 4 ♚

Amber ♚

"Please mom don't make me have to work in that stupid garage!" I begged my mom once we pulled up to the garage in her newly fixed car.

I can already smell the nasty odor of the garage from here.

"Amber this is your punishment now go into that garage and work!" My mom snapped while giving me a angry look.

I rolled my eyes before getting out of the car and slamming the door.

"Slam that door again little girl and I'm gonna hurt your ass." My mom threatened before pulling off.

I heard my uncle Marcus chuckle from behind me making me turn around.

"Same old Becky. Always snapping on someone." He laughed shaking his head.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Don't be shy. Come on over and give your favorite uncle a hug." He said opening his arms.

"Favorite..more like only uncle." I mentioned before walking past him.

I could hear his annoying laugh from behind me.

"You always did have the same attitude as your mama." He told me as he followed behind me.

He led me into the garage which is a pretty nice size for a garage. I almost barfed once I noticed the smell.

Marcus began sniffing the air playfully.

"Smells like heaven." He joked making me smack my lips.

"Yeah right. What do you need me to do today?" I questioned fixing my work shirt a little that had Marcu's garage name on it and just so happens to be a dirty blue.

"Well you could do several things. You can stand at the front desk and assist people who come in. You can help fix cars which I'm pretty sure you can't do or you could assist J in the back." He motioned to the back of the shop.

I'm not really good with talking to people , I can't fix cars , so I might as well assist J.

"I'll help J in the back." I said beginning to walk to the back.

"Good choice because I wouldn't want you up front anyways." He said chuckling a little.

"Why? Because you're scared that I might bring in more customers." I replied smartly before letting out a fake laugh.

"No, I'm just scared you'll scare them away." He said laughing almost making me flick him off but I know better.

I didn't bother answering him before walking into the back area which is filled with parts of cars that need fixing.

"Um J?" I questioned looking around.

"I'm down here." He replied back from working under a part.

I couldn't see his face because it's covered but all that I can see is his lower half of his body. From just seeing the lower half I can tell that he's pretty fit and he's white.

He slid down on the floor from under the part and I gasped once I noticed it was Jake.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with wides eyes.

"I uh work here." He replied back leaning up and rubbing his neck nervously like he always does.

"What are you doing working here? I thought you were rich!" I snapped giving him my evil eye.

"Well technically I'm not. You see my parents have all of the money and I don't. I got into a little disagreement with them and I was forced to work here." He explained to me while staring up at me.

I crossed my arms before smirking.

"What?" He questioned.

"Wait till everyone at school hear about this."

Uncle Marcus in mm 😊

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Xoxo - Msfanfictional ❤️

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