Chapter 21 ♚

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Chapter 21 ♚

Jake ♚

"I don't understand why he has to come." I mumbled to myself as I packed everything into the trunk of my car.

"What was that?" Amber asked bringing her last few bags out of the house.

"Why are you bringing so much stuff?" I asked her changing the subject.

"We're gonna be gone for a week and I'm gonna need a lot of stuff." She replied back before putting the bags into the trunk.

"If you say so..." I mumbled lowly.

"You don't want me walking around the cabin looking like a furry dog do you?" She questioned me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "You'd be my furry dog so I wouldn't care." I answered her making her laugh.

"Alright, be safe now guys!" Amber's mom called from the front porch.

"We will mom." Amber stated shrugging her off.

"I mean it Amber! You better be lucky I'm even letting you go all the trouble you got into this summer. Y'all better not be up there making any babies either!" Her mother snapped making Amber cover her face in embarrassment.

"Okay I get it mom. Can we leave now?" She asked her.

Her mom nodded her head. "Have fun." She said before closing the door and going back into the house.

I laughed making Amber shake her head.

I went over to the passenger side and opened the car door for her.

"Ignore everything she just said." She smiled embarrassed.

"It's fine, at least you know she cares about you." I told her.

She nodded her head in agreement. "That's true."

Once she was all the way in the car I got into the driver's side.

"Did you call Sandra?" I asked Amber.

"Yeah, she said she's already up there." She replied back putting on her seatbelt.

"Do we have to go pick that guy up?" I asked slightly irritated.

"For the last time yes we have to go pick him up." Amber stated slapping my arm gently.

I sighed. "Whatever."

"I don't want you being mean to him and acting all stuck up. Please just get along with him just for this week." Amber asked turning towards me.

"Fine, but only for you." I answered back kissing the back of her hand.

She smiled making my heart warm up. There's just something about that smile. I love it.

By now we're on the road and getting pretty close to his house.

Once we did arrive at his house Amber got out and went to get him. I waited in the car patiently before seeing both of them coming out of the front door. Amber helped him put his two bags in the trunk before they both got into the car.

"Wassup man." Julius greeted me holding his hand out for a handshake.

I stared at his hand for a couple of seconds before returning the handshake.

"Are you ready to head to the cabin?" I questioned him trying to be friendly.

"You know it! I hope there's some hot females nearby." He stated making me chuckle.

"Me too." I said making Amber slap my chest.

"I was just playing. You know you're the only one I want." I said through my laugh.

"I better be." She snapped grabbing my chin and pulling me into a kiss.

"Enough with this lovey dovey shit! Start driving." Julius exclaimed pulling us apart.

Amber laughed as I started up the car. We're on our way to the cabin.


"Hey girl!" Amber exclaimed hugging onto Sandra rocking back and forth.

"I missed you so much." Sandra stated kissing her cheek.

"I missed you too. Look at you, got that Bahamas glow." Amber replied back making Sandra laugh hysterically.

"You look beautiful as ever and you even have a glow yourself...I wonder why...." She said the last part lowly before looking over at me.

Her eyes widen and she looked back and forth between us.

"Are you da--"

Amber nodded her head. "Yeah Sandra, we're dating. We have been for a month and half." Amber explained to her.

Sandra still looked like she was in shock.

"Are you serious? You couldn't have told me?" Sandra questioned her giving her the most hurtful look ever.

"I forgot to tell you.." Amber stated.

"How did you forget to mention that you're going out with this fucking prick! He has done nothing but made me and your highschool life miserable!" Sandra snapped moving away from Amber.

"He's different now and I've seen a different side of him. I really like him a lot." Amber told her.

"I don't care, why couldn't you have dated someone else? You had to pick the most arrogant asshole in the whole school!" She snapped rolling her eyes at me.

"I don't know what else to say...I'm not breaking up with him if that's what you're thinking." Amber said honestly.

Sandra shrugged her shoulders before rushing towards the door.

"Who's ready to have some fun!?" Julius exclaimed as he walked into the door with the last few bags in his hand.

Sandra roughly pushed pass him making her escape out the front door.

"What's wrong with her?" Julius asked pointing out the door.

We just looked at him.

"What?" He asked clearly confused.

Sandra in mm 😍❤️

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Xoxo - Msfanfictional 👑

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