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"So this is your first dance, and it's a valentines dance. Max is so going to ask you out. I mean Mist and Max, double M."

"Chance we are not going together. We had that huge fight in front of everyone. Even if we didn't have it we're still only friends." I said walking out of her room staring across the street to Max's house. "Plus if I would go with him, Jamie is still after me remember." A tear running down my cheek.

I really wonder if we were meant to be why so much stuff has happened that has kept us apart. Why doesn't it push us together.

"Your just so arrogant. Why can't you order stand that Chase, Alex and I are all just friends." Face to face with Max, tears welling in my eyes. "If you don't like it I'm sorry but I'm not changing something about my life for you."

"Yeah cause I didn't break up with Jamie for you."

"I didn't make you. You did it at your own will." The group is staring. Alex, Chase, Lisa, Liam, Ashton. Everyone. I started to walk away. Only to expect them to all stay but Alex had followed me.

"Why are you so stupid? I mean really they all trust him more then you. Lisa think your already a bad person for what happen with Dixi. Ok so just stop." He doesn't care. He never did, why mush I always fall for his tricks.

"Well it seems like you still like him. So give it a second shot." I put my hand up witch signals to her to stop talking.

"Things will never be the same. Hey it's getting late I'm going home." I ran to the kitchen to get my bag and a go-gert. Walking out the door, quickly taken by the cold night air. Walking the long way passing Molly's old house. The lights off and broken window.

Man I remember around this time the lights would be on. You would hear the television or music. I continued walking home hoping that I wouldn't run into anyone.

"Did you hear Max wants to you to the dance."

"Beth. It's not going to happen. Ok. Everyone has so stop shipping us. The past is not coming back." I got up from my seat and walked over to Chance and Mel. "So what's up?"

"Um nothing, I mean you know girl stuff you wouldn't be interested." Why does she feel like she has to hide her secrets. Everyone now she like Chase, not to hard to find out when you stalk him. He even knows. But he never said anything. Well I can't let anyone find out or they'll think it's going to be a fight.

"Oh Mist didn't you tell Chase that Mel likes him."

"Why would i, I haven't talk to him in a month. We're mad at each other."

"I saw you and heard you. Really I though you would be nicer then to tell a friend's secret." She's not a friend and you aren't either. I breath in and then out. I just need to chill.

"Ignore her. Anyway Mist you wanna go to the dance, I mean with me."

Shit he did ask me, what do I say. "Sure."why the hell did I say that.

Jamie: I told you to back the fuck off.

Mist: he asked me I just said sure

Jamie: then tell him that you can't go. I mean really. Your not a good match. He's prefect, your a mess. He deserves better.

She's right I'm ugly. I have no life. I shouldn't be here. Then we were in a fight. I bring my knees to my chest.

Jamie: in fact you shouldn't go at all.

Mist: Max I'm not going I just got some news. I'm sorry

Max: um ok. Are you okay?

Mist: yeah, but I don't think I'm going to the dance.

Mist: Lisa tell your mom she doesn't have to pick my up tomorrow.

Lisa: what why. If it's because of Max then forget him. You could go alone. I mean come on please you have to.

Mist: Lisa I just feel sick that's all.

Lisa: we both know that's a lie since winter is almost over. So your going no exemptions.

Mist: fine.

Chance: hey met us at Lisa's house.

Mist: k I'll be there in a bit.

I finished my hair as I walked to the train tracks. Looking around to see if there was one close by as I started to walk across my heal got stuck. Trying to pull it out hearing a train close by I start to panic a bit. I lower to unstrap the heel knowing the train is closer. But I didn't know how close until I looked up. I felt someone grab my waist as I fall on them. Getting up I see Max.

"Thanks, and I think I'm sticking to flats." I go digging I'm my bag to get the extra shoes I brought.

"No problem, and I thought you weren't going to the dance."

"Chance and Lisa made me." I noticed that his cloths were dirty. "Oh it also looks as if you ruined your cloths."

"It's cool. I'm not like girls that take hours getting ready for a one time thing."

"You know I'm just wearing a ruffle skirt and plain white tang top."

"Whatever. I'm pretty sure Lisa and Chance are waiting of you." I wave as I start to Lisa's house again. Some point later I get a call from them.

"Mist we know you live far from my house but you should have been here five minutes ago. Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Wait for me outside I'm almost there." I hang up as I start running to Lisa's house. As I get there I slow down to see them in the front.

"Finally your here. My mom ordered pizza for us. Let's go eat." He head inside and stay there for a good hour. Until the dance starts. It was nothing interesting it was just a gym with kids around our age, with music playing. Oh them the rose table for if a guy came here with a date he could get he one for free.

The started the dance competition I stayed in the back watch over some heads on my tippy toes. My phone in My left hand held weakly. I didn't think anyone would take it. Well I was wrong. Chance grabbed it as I was talking to Chase running away with it. I dashed after her, she went around the whole gym until she found who she was looking for, Max. Passing it to him I stop chasing her. "I believe this is yours." He hands me the phone.

"Thanks. You know how Chance is. Well um I'm going to go." That was awkward. I mean very awkward. "Chance what do you think you where doing?" I say when I finally find her.

"You and Max were meant to be. I see how you guys look at each other. How you connect be are both to scared to say it since your both different from each other."

"Chance it's not going to happen. Me and him are just not meant to be. It's like saying a cat and dog could have babies together. I'm sorry Chance but it is how it is. There's a fine line between me and him."

"Fine. But you definitely don't belong with Chase."


Extra long chapter since the others where short. It was hard to write this since I had to alter it from the truth. Yes this has happened sort of. Because of the people in it and the stuff that happen I had to change parts. But some of its true. It's heart breaking. Well life's a bitch so don't quite.

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