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"You know Max said you had problems."

"Chance, why would see that. I mean sure I've been moody but I have a lot of things going on."

"He said that you alway had them that he never knew why you two were friends." I look down.

"He really said that." She nods her head. "I have to go first period is going to start in a bit. "Max we need to talk." He looks back at Liam.

"Yeah sure what's up?"

"I have problems."

"Why are you even friends with her?" I could hear Liam in the background.

"What are you talking about?" We talked out side until the last possible second.

"Chance told me. And Liam's right why are you friends with me. You know what don't talk to me again." I walked under his arm as he held the door open. Looking back then walking to the seat. It's sad with what could have been.

"Emily can you give this to Chase and Alex?" She nods her head. "Don't tell them who it was from." She walks to them on the bus. With the note and two roses.

Chase, Alex, all I cloud remember right now is what was. The times we spent the time we shared. It's pains me to say I might never see you again. And you will not know who I am for a while but Chase I know that girl Emma is falling for you so keep trying. And Alex try to keep getting good grades.

Mist: Emily I hope your operation goes well.

Emily: I'll text when it's over.

Emily's mom: Mystic, honey I have bad news.

Mist: yeah Ms.E what's wrong.

Emily's mom: Emily passed her operation. She bled out to much.

No she can't. I was just talking to her yesterday. When she never texted I though they didn't let her use her phone. But her being dead. There's really no reason to stay. All I had is gone now, what I hoped would be impossible happened. Picking up my phone calling my mom. "Mom is that offer of moving to California still available."


"Buy me a ticket for the closes possible day."

"It's Monday so you have two days to pack."

"Okay mom. Love you." I hang up the phone. I have no reason to stay. Chase and Alex are going to collage, Max is mad at me because I fell for Chances tricks, I can't trust Dixi, Emily is dead, Lisa hats me because of Dixi, and life not going to be the same I lost my fight.

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