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Finn POV
She's gone, she's really gone. I didn't believe her when she said she would leave. It's been four days since she left, and she took Julie. But that's both our faults. Uh, but none of this would've happened if it weren't for my stupid mistake. I thought she would come back this time, but she hasn't and I have a feeling she won't be back for a while. Jenna keeps asking for Julie and Rachel. I honestly don't know what to tell her yet.
Jenna was holding her teddy on the couch and staring at the empty space on the couch. I've been so cranky, and I feel so bad that I'm taking it out on her, Jenna doesn't deserve that, at least not after all that's going on. It's been so hard, usually Rachel and I both out the girls to sleep. Mostly Rachel.

"Alright munchkin, time for bed" I said picking her up
"When's Julie coming home?"  Jenna asks holding her teddy

I don't know what to tell her, I mean I can't say oh, you know probably never because daddy was being an ass to mommy, I can't tell her that!

"I don't know munchkin" I said going upstairs to put her to bed
" Julie sad, I can feel it" Jenna said going under the covers

I just nod, because they can always "know what the other is thinking"

"I want mommy to sing for me" Jenna asked
"Um, mommy can't really sing for you tonight" I told her sadly
"Oh" she said sad
"You want I can sing the song" I say trying to get her to sleep
"No that's ok" she said turning over so her backs facing me

I kissed her forehead and was walking out when she said

"You forgot huggies" Jenna said lifting her teddy

I just smiled at her cuteness, she's exactly like Julie. I kiss her teddy and walk out.
After I turn off the tv, I brush my teeth and sleep in my t shirt and boxers. The bed feels so cold without her. I should've never done what I did. God! I was so stupid, I had everything and I threw it away. I can't sleep so I get up and look around the room. I see the papers on our drawer. I can't look at that right now, so I just look at the picture of Rachel holding Julie and Jenna for the first time. I remember when we found out about the girls.
Finn POV
It's been three months since we found out Rachel is pregnant. Were going to our fourth doctors visit. I'm so excited because we get to find out the gender of the baby today. I can't wait to see what I'm having with Rachel. I hope it's a girl, so I can spoil her, and have my own little princes running around. I wait as Rachel gets ready, I don't ant to tell her because I don't want to upset her, but she looks a little too big for three months.

"Alright let's go" Rachel smiles grabbing my hands
"Let's go" I smile back pecking her on the lips

~~they get called in with the doctor~~

"So Rachel, everything good?" The doctor asks rubbing the gel on her swollen belly
"Yup," Rachel replies holding onto my hands as we stare at the scree, I grow anxious
"So what are we having doc?" I ask still anxious
"Well looks like your having a girl" the doctor says smiling

I stand up and start to cry, because my wish came true, and I have everything I could ask for. I'm still holding Rachel's hand

"Babe you ok?" Rachel asks concerned getting up
"I'm just so happy" I reply smiling

Rachel gives me her beautiful small smile, we just stare at each other with so much love until

"Wait" the doctor says moving the wand a little more
"What, what is it, is she ok?" I ask worried
"I was wrong, looks like your having two girls" the doctor said

I just look at Rachel and we both have shocked face on. Next thing I know I black out.

~~with Rachel~~
"Oh my god! Is he ok?" I yell looking at Finn then at my doctor
"Oh he's fine, happens all the time" the doctor says
"What do I do with him for now?" I ask
"Give him a couple minutes, he'll wake up soon, trust me" the doctor says walking out
After ten minutes of waiting for him to wake up, he finally does
~~back to Finn~~

I wake up sitting in a chair while a worried Rachel looks back at me

"What happened, what I miss?" I ask rubbing my head
"Do you remember what you heard before you fainted?" Rachel asks hitting her lip

I think for a moment, then remember I'm having two girls instead of one. I actually don't mind, as long as I get to do it with Rachel. I just smile real big and kiss her.

"I'm guessing you do" Rachel pulls away smiling
"I can't wait to have these two little girls with you" I smirk putting my hand on her belly
//end of flashback//
Finn POV
That was one of the best days I had. I was so happy when I learned I was going to be a father and have a family with Rachel. I can't believe I was dumb enough to let it slip away, I should've fought for Rachel and proven to her that, I still love her.

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