The Day After the Arrival

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I woke up to feel a warm embrace on me. For a split second I forgot about what he did. I turned around and saw a sleeping Finn. He looked so calm and peaceful, he also had his arms around me. I do love him, a lot, I really do, but I don't want to forgive him. So, I pushed him away recalling why I left. He instantly woke up as I got up. I started putting clothes in a bag.

"What are you doing Rachel?" Finn asked getting up

I still packed

"Until you sign the papers I'm staying at a hotel, I'll take the girls for the day and you can pick them up after work, Saturdays are your days and Sundays are mine," I finished

"Why you doing this, can't we just work it out, at least for the girls, stay rach"

I closed my eyes at the nickname he calls me

"No we can't, I just think we've lost our spark, I mean we came here young and dumb, it was bound to backfire, and it did, also I'm not staying because I know you'd be too stubborn to leave, so I am" I say grabbing my bags

"I still love you rach, and we weren't dumb, young yes, but we were in love" Finn replied holding my hand down to him

"Were, which is why you need to sign the papers so we can figure out the custody of the girls" I say looking away and pulling my hand away

"I don't want too, and what are we suppose to tell them now, rach, I don't want to lose you, or them, there's still hope for us, just give me a chance, I know you still love me, and I will always love you" Finn pleaded

"I need you to sign them, and I'll figure out the thing with the girls later" I replied holding in the tears

"Fine, then just tell me something" Finn said sounding defeat

"What" I asked facing the door

I felt his arms pull me to face him

"Tell me you don't love me, only then will I stop trying to save our marriage, that yes, I messed up, but I deeply regret it" Finn said desperate for an answer

I looked at those hazel eyes I fell I love with. I can't say it. As much as I want to, I can't.

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