Wedding day

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Finn POV
I have to work today but I have no one to watch Jenna. I don't know what to do, i think I'm just going to take her to work again. I was brushing my teeth when a tired looking Jenna walks through the door.
Jenna POV
I woke up and I see I'm alone in my room again. Uhhh, when is mommy coming home with Julie? I want to see her so I can play with her. Plus, since mommys not here daddy takes me to work, it's so boring over there. I want mommy to come back so me and Julie can make cookies like we always do on Thursday nights. I'm so tired and daddy wakes me up so early to take me with him, so right now I'm going to tell him that I'm staying here, and take care of myself like how mommy takes care of me, a big girl!
Finn POV
I see her rub her eyes while holding her teddy bear. I rinse my mouth.

"Yes Jenna" I ask
"Today I'm taking care of myself like a big girl!" She says crossing her arms pouting how Rachel pouts, it's so adorable
"Oh really," I smirk bending down to her tiny size
"Mmhh" she says crossing her arms
"Who's says your a big girl" I smile waiting to hear her answer
"Mommy" she says confident, my smile fades, I feel so bad we haven't told the girls
"Well your still daddy's little princess" I say picking her up
"No, I'm daddy's big princess" she says in my arms

I just smile and look at her eyes that look like mine. She has Rachel's beautiful smile and her high maintenance attitude too. I was walking out to dress her when she stops

"Hey daddy, is that you and mommy before me and Julie were born" she says pointing to Rachel and I's wedding photo.

Since Rachel didn't want her mom to know about us we went to Lima with my family and invited puck and Santana. We got married in the park, it was small and quote Rachel, 'most adorable and best wedding ever!'. I remember that day clearly

Finn POV
It's been two months since I proposed to Rachel, and today's the day were tying the knot. We decided a small ceremony with my family, since she likes them better than hers. I asked her if she was sure, but she kept insisting and giving me her puppy dog face. I just couldn't deny her. Right now I'm waiting at the alter, or the big tree to be exact, and I see her walking down the isle. She looks absolutely stunning. I smile at how beautiful she looks, I am officially the happiest man in the universe.

~~Rachel and Finn are saying the vows~~

I look at Rachel and breathe. I'm so nervous

"You may say your vows Finn" the priest says

"Dear Rachel I am so happy you said yes to join me for the rest of out lives. It still amazes me to this day, that you decided to let, this once bad boy turned good, love you, the sweet and smart and amazingly talented women who knows exactly how to make me feel like a million bucks, without even trying. I honestly would not be the man I am today, had it not been for your love and support and belief in me, so far that I thank you and am forever grateful, especially that you let me love you. I cannot wait to point at you and say you are my wife, because, well, I love you" I say smiling at a crying Rachel

She breathes out happily and stares at me with her wonderful big brown eyes

"Finn, you, my friend, have it backwards, it is my great honor, to call you mine, because not only are you talented and smart and generous in your own special way, you love with so much passion and care that words can't describe. It is truly pure luck and faith that brought us together, along with our unconditional love for each other. I am so happy you asked me to marry you, and I am so happy that you were there for me, when no one else was. Through thick and thin you have loved me when you could've left and gotten someone less damaged, but you didn't and I will forever continue loving you, no matter what," Rachel replied crying happy tears while holding my hand

~~priest finishes~~

"You may kiss the bride" the priest finishes

I grab Rachel and dip her. I do my smirk, that I know she loves
"Finally" I say
She smiles and holds my face to hers, smashing our lips together. I smile while kissing her because I love this girl so much.
//end of flashback//

"Daddy, are you ok" Jenna asks me bringing me to reality
"Huh, oh yeah, let's get you changed munchkin" I say heading toward her room

On my way out I still see those haunting papers. I wish I hadn't been so dumb and did what I did. Rachel's never going to forgive me.

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