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Today's Finns day with the girls so I decided to drop them off early so Finn and I could talk. After the whole group hug Santana made me have to tell Finn soon. I know that I'd start showing and since I'm pretty sure he knows he's the last person I slept with, I'd have to tell him sooner than later. So here I am on the front steps of my old home.
Finn POV
Today's my day with the girls but Rachel called saying she was going to drop them off today. That was fine with me because now I get a chance to talk to her. So here I am waiting on the couch watching some football when I hear

Knock, knock

I get up real quick and open the door to find my beautiful family.
Rachel POV
Nows your chance rach, tell him, tell hi, today before you regret it....suddenly the girls start running into the house. Jenna a little bit slower due to the cast but still running.
I walk I'm because I have to tell him. Before I could say anything inside I hear Finn run after the girls

"Hey girls! No running in the house!!" He yells back

The girls start giggling and playing with their bubbles in the backyard. I look at Finn he has his small cute half smile.

"We.." "I.."

We say at the same time. I smile and look down, leave it to us to interrupt each other.

"You go," he says

I'm pretty sure his isn't as astounding as mine, or shocking so I just say

"No you"

He's about to protest when we hear

"Daddy! Look, Look! We made a big ginormous huge bubble" Julie calls out

He looks out then back at me.

"Go, I'll wait here" I smile assuring it's ok

He smiles back and runs out. I stand there watching how he is with the girls. Julie is running around while Finn is carrying Jenna upside down who is dying of giggles. Then he picks Julie causing her to start giggling. It's moments like this that I remember why I fell in love with him. I was waiting when I hear a soft knock. Finn looks busy with the girls so I go and answer it.......and I wish I hadn't

"Finnyyyy!!!! I came to......oh your back" she snickers
"Oh look! Your still annoying" I say back just like her stupid perky voice
"Ha Ha...very funny troll" she says back sarcastically
"I know I'm hilarious" I smirk crossing my arms
"If your done looking like that, I'd like to see my boyfriend and the father of my new found child" she said smiling rubbing her belly

I opened my mouth at the sound of boyfriend and father and baby. But then I thought, Finn and her slept with each other months ago, why isn't she showing?

"Well if your done breaking mirrors, I'd like to ask your whore-wrecking ass something" I say crossing my arms not buying it

"Anything for you bird beak that you left poor Finn looking at all theses years" she smiles crossing her arms

I just smirk, like I haven't heard that one before. She sooo, unoriginal

"Why aren't you showing?" I smile

Her smirk fades away and she gulps, then she smiles Atam as if I didn't see her stupid face frown at the knowledge of me discovering her not-so-master plan.

"Because I recently slept with Finn, and it's a premature told me so" she stated darting her eyes away

Now I know, she's lying

"Really? Because I don't recall Finn even being able to make a premature baby, seriously have you seen how huge he is? Plus he doesn't have time for skanks" I add

She just gasps and grips her supposed "pregnant" belly

"Cut the act slut" I say now pissed off she keeps insisting this lie amd taking her hands off her stomach

She opens her mouth and then does an evil smile

"Your right, I'm not pregnant, but I do know how huge is, if you know what I mean?" She winks evil,

then my hormones take over and I slap the bitch she grips her cheek and turns to face me, suddenly I fall to the ground. I freak out because, um...hello? I'm the one that's actually pregnant. I hold my baby belly.

"Rachel!" Finn yells worried pulling me up
"Mommy!!" Jenna says
"Hey! You might hurt my baby brother or sister you old lady!" Julie say hitting Amanda

Finn just looks at me wide eyed. I don't know what to say so I just gulp in worry of what he'll do. Then...

"You little whore!" Amanda yells pushing an attacking Julie and Jenna to the ground

They start crying and Finn and I rush over to them. Jenna holds her cast and Julie sticks out her scrape. Finn sees their pain and gets up looking pissed off.

"Get out" Finn says in a dark tone
"But babe," Amanda says
"I said get out! I don't want you anywhere near my family you pyscho!" He yells in his angry voice

Amanda looks scared and she stands there. I pick up Julie and hold Jenna close by. Both little girls had blank stares. I set Julie on the counter while I get the first aid kit and let Finn go off on the little devil named Amanda.

"And if I hear you disrespect my wife again, I'll make sure you regret it" Finn yells at a fleeing Amanda.

After Jenna and Julie sit on the couch watching cartoons. I come down stairs to find Finn red. His eyes dripping with anger and hate. I look at him and walk towards him, he sees me and his face turns to worry and love. I look at him one more time, before I rip the divorce papers right in front of his face. He looks confused and then realizes what I just did. I grab his shirt and pull him in for a big passionate kiss. He deepens it and gold my waist close to his. It was getting a little too heated when we heard

"Ewwwww, daddy's eating mommys face" Jenna said with disgust

Jenna just nodded her head sticking out her tongue like she grossed out. Finn holds me close and we just start laughing.

"Yeah gross" Jenna added
"Oh yeah wants see something even mor gross" Finn says
"Nothing's more gross than that!" Jenna argued
"Alright you asked for it" Finn said

He pulled me in shoving his tongue in my throat and I roamed my hands all over  his face, then he squeezed my butt,

"Ewwwww" both girls said falling on the coach 'dying' of disgust

Finn jumped on the couch and started tickling the girls. I just joined in and started tickling them as well. It was such a beautiful moment.
Rachel POV
It was nine thirty and the girls were fast asleep. Finn and I were in the doorway and he kissed my head saying

"I'll always love you Rachel"
"Even after everything I never stopped loving you either Finn" I say back looking into his eyes

He looks at me and pulls me in for a slow passionate kiss. I'll always love Finn Hudson.

The end

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