She's My Daughter

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Rachel POV
Santana and I decided to go out and get some Starbucks with the girls. Julie and Celia were going off, yet,about another princess. While they were busy arguing Santana sets her drink down and looks at me.

"Alright Hudson, start talking" she said

I know she won't let this go

"What do you want to know"  i asks simply

"Well for starters, where's your husband and your other kid?" Santana asked

"Soon to be ex husband, and my kid is with him" I say barely

Santana opens her mouth shocked

"What happened?" She asks curious

"He cheated on me, with his worker" I say harsh

"Wow, what an ass, but don't you think you running away was a little too dramatic" she ask

"No, he didn't want to sign the divorce papers and we agreed we'd each keep a twin" I reply

"You two are being ridiculous, and unfair to the girls" Santana said leaning back sipping her drink while pointing toward Julie

She's right

"You think so?" I ask

"I know so, you two need to figure out what's going on and then have joint custody, that's right and the fair thing to do for the girls" Santana says serious

I look at Julie and see she misses Jenna, and she's always complaining about wanting to see her dad. I bite my lip.

"Your right" I say getting up

"Of course I am, I'm always right" Santana says

"I need to go back home" I say grabbing my stuff

"No, what you need to do right now is relax, so sit" Santana scolded

I sat down, because might as well, I'm here aren't i? But tonight I go home and see what to do.
Rachel POV
After our little shopping trip I take Julie to my moms house and on the way I tell her we're going home. I still need to tell my mom about what happened. I arrive and unlock the door to find my mom drinking her tea.

"Alright go play with your new toy" I say putting Julie down

She runs off but then comes back holding the box

"Can I play with Jenna's too?" She asks

"No, don't open it, it's for her!" I say as she runs off again
I just stare at my mother and aunt Jill walk in with a book

"Whose Jenna?" My mom asks

I just stand, debating wether to tell them

"Care to explain what happened?" Aunt Jill asked

I just let the tears come, because I tried my hardest to not cry in front of Santana. I sat on the chair with my hands on my face

"Finn cheated and I'm asking for divorce" I manage to let out at once

I feel arms around me as I cry

"Sshh" my mom soothes

I look up at her and just say

"Jenna is Julie's twin"
Rachel POV
I finish crying and get up. My mother and aunt Jill are still in shock that I had twins. They threw a bunch of questions at me. I just ignored them and told them my plan

"I'm going home, to figure things out" I say plainly
"But this is your home" my mother says
"My home is where my family is, and I'm leaving tonight" I say going to the room to start to pack
I managed to book a flight with all the money aunt Jill offered. I denied it and used my own. I'm on the plane right now with a sleeping Julie. I'm not going to tell Finn I'm coming home, i want to see how he's doing without Julie......and me.
I arrive home on a taxi. I don't even know if Finn is home, but I knock. I'm so scared to face him after everything I did. I wait a few minutes and am about to go to a hotel because I'm carrying a sleeping Julie. I hear heavy footsteps and I try my best to not show I've been crying. The door opens to reveal Finn in just his pj bottoms.

"Rachel?" He asks almost relieved

I don't say anything and walk in. I go inside the girls room and put Julie to bed. I see Jenna fast asleep and I stroke her hair. I let a tear slip, I can't believe I left her behind. I'm so ashamed. I walk outside and head to the living room. I see Finn sitting on the couch waiting, I walk over still quiet

"Have you signed the papers?" I ask looking at the ground careful to not cry
"No" he replies
"why?" I ask
"Because I want to make it up to you, I still love you Rachel, never stopped" Finn said sad
"You don't hurt the people you love" I say getting up
"Give me an answer next week," I say getting up

I'm so tired I just want to sleep, I feel a pull on my hand

"Please forgive me" Finn said with tears
"I'm tired" I reply walking off

I'm in for a long day tomorrow.

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