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Rachel POV
I woke up on the couch to talking. I slowly look over the couch to find my mom and aunt Jill eating pancakes and fruit. I get up and run my eyes.
"What time is it?" I say groggily
"8:42, but might I recommend you check in your daughter, whose name I have get to learn" my mother said sipping her coffee
"I'll go check on Julie" I say walking toward the room
I quietly open the door, only to find my daughter sniping glee up with her bear's? I walk over and put her in bed, so she sleeps properly. She stirs and turns around facing away, she always was a heavy sleeper like her dad. I look at the photos, it takes every ounce in me, to not cry. While I was fighting with her dad, I didn't realize she took some photos with her. She took the ones that held the most wonderful memories, and I think she knew that. I put the photos deep in a drawer so I don't have to look at them anytime soon. I kiss Julie and walk out to eat breakfast.
"So, did you see her?" My aunt Jill asked
"Yes, and I tucked her back in" I say sitting down grabbing some coffee
"Did you see the photos?" My mom asked raising an eyebrow

I know where she's going with this, and I don't want to talk about it. I grab a piece of toast and get up.

"You know what, today I'm going to hang out with Santana and Celia" I say grabbing my phone walking away and not letting them respond.
Shelby POV
I woke up in the morning and first checked on my grandchild. After last night, I figured Rachel and Finn had some serious issues. I want to asks her about it, but after Jill and I saw the photos, she recommended we let her come to us. I'm an impatient person, so when she got up I tried to sneak in a conversation about it. But Rachel caught in quickly and decided to bail. I don't know where she got the ideas from running way from her problems, because she tends to do that a lot! I continued to drink my coffee after she left, Jill just stared at me.

"What?" I ask
"Couldn't let her come to us, could ya?" She asked
"I don't know what you're taking about" I said getting up
Rachel POV
I decided to call Santana
-phone call-
"Rachel?" Santana asks
"Yeah it's me" I say
"Oh my gosh I haven't seen you since the girls were born, how are they? " Santana asks

That makes me hurt because she said girls

"Listen I'm in New York and I really need your help" I say hoping she catches on
"Sure, but I got to drop Celia off at school" Santana replies
"Oh ok" I add
"Are Finn and the girls with you, tell them I said hi" she said happy

Oh, Santana

"Actually it's just me and Julie, I'm staying with my mom" I said almost in tears
"Oh, and you need a friend, I understand, listen we don't you bring Julie and I take Celia out of school for the day, and we do some retail therapy, sound good?" Santana asked all soft and soothing now
"Yeah, I'll meet you at your house" I say
"Ok, see ya later" Santana says
"See ya"
-end of phone call-
It's nine oh four, so I shower and change. After I do my morning routine I go into Julie's  bedroom. I slightly move her

"Hey baby, time to wake up" I say calmly
"No! I'm tired" she tells covering herself with the pillow

She's stubborn, just like her dad

"Oh, ok then I guess I'll go shopping with auntie tana and Celia by myself" I sigh dramatically, Julie shoots up awake

"I'm ready" she says sitting up

I just laugh at her and take the stray hairs out of her face.

"Come on, let's go pick out your outfit" I say grabbing her hand and pulling her toward our luggage.

Julie looks through her bag

"Oh! Mommy can I wear this one" Julie asks pulling out her pink tutu with red converse with her purple princess shirt. I look at her funny

"Uh no baby girl" I say still looking at her funny

She just pouts and crosses her arms

"Why not!" She asks
"Because that does not match" I say laughing at how dramatic she is. I take out her  black and white checkered shirt with black leggings
"How bout this?" I ask
"Ok, but I get to wear these shoes" she said pulling out her pink vans
"Deal" I agree
After we decided her outfit I pick her up and walk her to the bathroom. Since I have no idea where my stool is I hold Julie while helping her brush her teeth. When we finish I put in the outfit and start her hair. I just out a simple ponytail. I grab my bag and Julie on my waist and head out the door.

"Bye mom! Bye aunt Jill" I yell about to unlock the front door
"Bye nana Shelby and Nana Jill" Julie yells hi,din her teddy and sucking her thumb
"Bye girls!!!" Aunt Jill yells
With that I head to Santana's house, and I have a feeling she's going to want an explanation. Just like everybody else.

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