That Night

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A week ago
Rachel POV
Lately Finn and I have been fighting so much. I'm seriously growing tired of his hostility so tonight after the girls go to bed I'm going to confront him. It's almost eight so he should be here soon. I get the girls ready for bed and he comes and we tuck them both to bed. Tonight the girls were tired so I put them to bed just now. They instantly fell asleep. I sat on the couch with the tv on lightly when I heard the door open.
Finn POV
I've been such a bad husband, and I feel like the worst person in the world right now. While Rachel's been home and getting her degree and taking care of our girls, I've Ben working. But while I was working I did something horrible. Rachel doesn't suspect a thing and the guilt has been eating me up alive. I have to tell her because I don't want to take out my problems on her, plus she deserves to know.
"Finally, what took you so long?" Rachel asked calmly
"I was working, you know earning money to pay the bills" I said angry, she's so nosey
"Well sorry, it's just I had to put the girls to sleep alone, again" she said sadly
"I'm sorry but I can't be here all the time!" I yell, she's making me feel even worse
"Geez Finn calm down, what's your problem? It's like I can't even talk to you about anything anymore!" Rachel yelled back
"I'm sorry I've been too busy supporting this family to talk to you" I say back
She's making it harder
"I've been trying too Finn, it's not just you! I'm getting tired of the fighting Finn, that's all we ever do! And you know what I'm tired of it, why won't you tell me what's wrong!??" she yells back frustrated
"I cheated on you!" I say fast so I could get it over with

Rachel just stops and pauses, she covers her mouth and backs away

"OhMyGodOhMyGod" she says sitting down putting her other hand on her chest

I feel so bad, but she deserved the truth, it's not that I don't love her, it's just I made a drunken mistake. I see her crying and my heart breaks, I'm about to respond when I hear little footsteps.

"Mommy, daddy? What's happening?" Jenna asks holding Julie's hand

Rachel looks up with tears in her eyes, I don't know what to tell them either. I just look at Rachel and she gets up Julie wipes her tears

"Why you crying mommy" she asks
"Nothing, come on let's go to bed" she says holding the girls hands

I just sat on the couch with my head in my hands. What am I going to do, what is Rachel going to do know that she knows. I want to explain to her and hope she forgives me. After ten minutes or so, I hear footsteps, I look up and see Rachel crying even more. I get up and walk toward her, I tried to grab her hand but she pulled away

"Rachel I'm so sorry, please let me explain" I plead
"Your sleeping in the couch tonight" Rachel says walking up the stairs
"Rachel please" I beg

She looks at me dead in the eye

"Just tell me who, and why?" She asks crying harder, I want to hug her so badly but I know I can't, I look down

"I got drunk and Amanda was there, and it just happened" I said staring at the ground then I look up to see her sobbing "but it only happened once! I swear I regretted the next day" I reassure her

"That time you told me you fell asleep at the tire shop office, you really were asleep with her" Rachel sobs out

"I am so sorry" I say truly meaning it, I say walking toward her, she backs away

"Leave me alone" she said walking upstairs
The next day she came to my work while flipping Amanda off on the way. She had a blank face and she put papers on my desk. I look up at her confused, she still didn't say anything. I take a closer look, it's divorce papers, I look up at her wide eyed. I get up and close the door.

"Divorce? What about the girls, what about those four years of marriage? Your just going to throw it all away?" I ask mad and mostly sad

"I'm not the one who cheated, and as for the girls I want to figure it out after we're divorced, also I brought your stuff here.....I'm kicking you out" she replied trying not to cry, but I can see right through her, I stand in shock, then come back to reality

"Just sign on the line with ex and..." I interrupted her
"No, I'm not giving up on us" I say stubbornly trying to deny the fact that she doesn't want to be with me anymore
"Just sign the papers," she says blank
"How can you just forget about everything we've been through, I mean don't you at least want to try and work it out, at least for the girls? Don't you still love me" I ask on the verge of crying myself
"I'm doing this because I love you, I can't look at you without thinking it's my fault, and I know that if I stay with you that I'll forgive you and I just can't, so just please, do this for me, you owe me" Rachel cried sobbing
"No, I'm not losing you, you still love me and I love you, there's still hope" I say crying
"Just give it up Finn, I'm done with you, accept it, or I leave with the girls" Rachel cries but says the last part serious
"You can't take the girls, their my daughters too" I say scared
"Either sign the papers, or I leave" Rachel threatens while crying

With that being said, she walks out. I was too stubborn to let her go, so that night I went to the house trying to make her work things out, and she ended up doing just that, leaving.

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