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Rachel POV
It's been a week since I slept with Finn. I've tried avoiding him as much as possible. It felt so good to be that way with him again, but I can't, I just can't. I think I don't want to divorce him anymore, but I feel like I'm saying just because I didn't just have sex with him, I made love with him. My feelings are so confused. So I've just been focusing on my job. The girls help me a lot. My back has been killing me and I have such weird mood swings. So when the girls stay with me they help me. Like yesterday I made a stack for the papers that did really good and Jenna and Julie divided them into two and put stickers. It was so adorable.
Finn POV
Right now I'm at work talking to the new secretary, Steve, but I just can't focus. I've barely spoken to Rachel since that night. I think she feels weird about it. I was so happy when she didn't deny me, because it meant there's still a part of her that misses me. But it makes me sad she didn't even stay the morning and hasn't said anything to me. So tomorrow when she drops off the girls for my day I'll have a little chat with her.
Rachel POV
I was playing tea time with the girls when there was a knock on the door. I get a little confused because I don't know who it could be. I cautiously opened the door to find...

"SAN!!" I hug her
"RACH!" Santana smiles yelling back

The girls run up to Celia and start talking pulling her in.

"What are you doing here? Where's puck?" I ask smiling that my best friend decided to visit

"I came to visit your mom said you'd be here, and pucks at the shop" Santana mumbled the last part

"It's fine, I'm so glad...." Before I could finish I ran to the bathroom

I had the sudden urge to throw up. How strange I never get....oh no no no.....this can't be happening. I hear San walk into the bathroom slowly

"Rachel, is there something you should tell me" Santana said putting a hand on my back

I looked up at her and knew I couldn't keep it from her. Santana knows everything.
I pulled my head out the toilet and rinses my mouth. When I was done I turned to face Santana. I looked at the girls wearing tiaras and boas and then

"Once, I only did it once, with him" I plead
"You know how potato head knock you up easily, I say take two tests just to be sure" Santana says putting a hand on my shoulder

I put my hands to my face

"Oh god, what if I am? This is horrible timing, I can't be pregnant again. The girls are about to start kindergarten" I ramble

"Listen Hudson shut your trap and take the damn tests, I know how you carry some after your last pregnancy" Santana warns

I nod my head and push her out the bathroom closing the door. I pull out two tests from the cabinet and sigh. I can't believe I'm doing this for a second time, only this time, I rather it not come out like the last one.
"Mr.Hudson?" Steve said

Finn POV
One of my workers called me pulling me out of my Rachel haze

"You have an Amanda calling you, would you like to answer or...
"Ignore it" I interrupt
"Yes sir" Steve  said

I look at my old best friend who just walked into the shop. He had a serious look on his face, so something tells me Rachel told Santana who told her husband.
Rachel POV


I walk out and kneel down to Julie and Jenna's size

"So girls, how would you like to be big sisters?" I ask

Both gasp and look at each other smiling. They stand up in feathers and boas and hug me. While they hug me Santana has her eyebrows up and mouth open then she mouthes


I nod my head in response and then we're all in a group hug. I can't believe this is happening....again.

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