R.I.P To The Girl I Used To Be..... (Edited)

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I do not own any rights to TVD characters these belong to L.J Smith T.V show. The only charters who belong to me is Siena Russo, Tony Russo, Chrizina Russo, Blair Richy, Julian Gracia Happy reading :D

Siena P.O.V

We had left town with Nic the same night when Damon was cured from his werewolf bite, it has been 3 months since Stefan were last in Mystic falls on this journey with Nic wanting to find werewolves. So what had happened over the three months? Well for starts Nic had turned Stefan into a ripper the worst kind of vampire there is. Some of the things I had witness Stefan do due to his deal with Nic had left me with nightmares. When Nic wasn't around, and we were left alone I would see still the same old Stefan, the guy who I met on my first day when I came into Mystic Falls. He hadn't completely gone. Some nights were terrible when I would watch him cry, how he would tell me about the victims he had killed. Stefan hated the fact that when he consumed human blood, he would black out and not remember a thing. I knew I had to be there for him, to keep him from turning into a full blown ripper. I reminding him that he still had his humanity, and not to give up that we would get out of this situation we were in. The reason we were both here was to save the life of one person, Damon.

The reoccurring nightmare I kept on having was walking in on Elena and Damon, every time I thought about it I felt my heart breaking each time. I had given up everything for him, I would never see my parents, or my friends again, because I could bear with the thought of him being dead. Even after everything, I couldn't hate him as much as I wanted to I just couldn't. I love Damon Salvatore I wish I didn't, I wanted to hate him, but a part of me couldn't let me. Elena on the other hand I could never forgive her for her actions, she was meant to be my sister, she knew how in love with Damon, but still she did that to me. No matter how many times I tried to justify her actions, I just couldn't because there was no good enough reason her kiss him dying or not. The sad thing is it wasn't all on me, but Stefan too. I couldn't tell Stefan what had happened, he was broken hearted enough knowing that he would never see her for a decade, I didn't want him to break his heart anymore because of her actions. I guess being the doppelganger of Katherine Elena picked up her traits too, by also played both of the brother's emotions just like Katherine did. I guess I always knew deep down Elena had some sort of feeling for Damon, and it was defiantly proven to me that night.

I had turned 20 a while we were on this trip with Nic, he tried to make a big deal about it I really weren't interested. What was there to celebrate? I was on the road with a guy who had ripped me away from the people I loved... Okay I know I was the one who chose to leave with him, but that wasn't the point. He was trying to be the Nic I used date, but to me that guy was dead. The guy before me was a monster. The day of my birthday Nic took me to some fancy restaurant, he really did go all out I don't know why he was trying to make such an effort, but to make my life easier I just went along with it all, which made Nic very happy. When we got back me and Stefan were sitting on a balcony of a hotel that Nic had us all stay in, we did this pretty much every night.

The first few week we spoke of Damon and Elena, but over time we found it difficult to talk about either them, and we spoke about anything that didn't remind us of what we left behind. Stefan had given me a birthday present which I really didn't expect from him, he had so much going on with trying to keep himself under control he actually remembered. He had gotten me one of those silver T-bar bracelets with a heart pendent with inscription 'She Who Is Brave Her Love Is Pure' I got quite emotional when I read it. Stefan believed that my love was pure due to my actions to save Damon that not many girls would give everything up for a guy. Damon was special and I knew that from the moment I laid eyes on him.

'Unbreakable Bond' Damon Salvatore Love Story. 'Epic Love Saga' (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now