The Pain Of Love.....

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Elena P.O.V

When I came home last night Jeremy was in a bad way. He shouldn't be handling all of this at his age actually even at my age I should be dealing with so much death around me. He told me Damon and Siena stayed behind with Ric for his final moment. I don't think either of them would of taken it too well but at least Ric didn't die alone. He had a friend who cared for him and Siena who he looked as a daughter. Jeremy and I decided that we were going to decorate the room Ric stayed in. We felt the room had such bad omen to it. With mom and dad car crash, Jenna was sacrifice and now Ric who was forced to become a indestructible vampire hunter they all die. I began to drapes a white cover over an armchair. While Jeremy and her pour paint into a container and begin to paint the room.

"Going darker, huh?" I heard Stefan voice. I turned around he gave me a small smile.

"It's the only colour we had" Jeremy looked at him he didn't look too pleased to see him.

"That's what happens when you decide to paint your dead guardian's room in the middle of the night" Jeremy spoke a little bitter. Stefan gave him a sympathetic look. He really didn't need to take out on Stefan it wasn't his fault what happen.

"I don't suppose anyone tried to talk you guys out of doing this so soon" This is what Jeremy and I had to do to keep ourselves sane at the moment or we would both completely break down.

"We have to keep moving otherwise we'll start thinking and we don't want to think. Have you seen Siena today?" I hadn't heard from her and I was getting concerned. I notice his face sadden when I mention her.

"No I haven't! I haven't heard from her or Damon. Neither of them came home last night. There are people at the house clearing up" Siena missed practically her whole wedding because of everything that happened "Tony and Chrizina weren't overly happy when they saw me. They were demanding where Siena and Damon had disappeared to. I told them that Ric was in an accident and they were down the hospital. He had passed away" I looked at Jeremy he looked even more upset. What else could Stefan of told them.

"What a way to remember your wedding, getting force to turn someone who you respected into indestructible vampire hunter" Jeremy really weren't happy about any of this. He was right what a way to remember your own wedding day. Stefan walked over to me.

"Do you want a hand?" I notice Jeremy putting his paint brush down and gave me a look.

"So, are you two like back together or something?" he asked a little annoyed, Stefan looked as uncomfortable as I felt.

"What? No, Jer, we're just..." I began to say but Stefan cut in.

"I - I was just checking up on you guys seeing how you were doing, after everything" Jeremy glared at Stefan.

"We're fine! But, if you are trying to be the good guy again, why don't you do the right thing and give us one day, just one day without any vampires in it" he demanded to Stefan. Jeremy leaves the room I dropped her paint roller and walks towards Stefan. He looked a little upset by Jeremy comment.

"He didn't mean that" he gave me a small smile.

"Yeah, yeah he did" then the doorbell rings "I'll get that" I really don't know what to do anymore. My head so confused I could really do with my big sister right now telling me everything going to be ok.

Klaus P.O.V

My mother went too far last night taking Siena away from one of the most important days of her mortal life. Not only did she take Siena she also took Elena for her wicked scheme. She had used that history teacher Alaric to overtake where Mikael didn't finish. I do not know what she was thinking but that woman was determined to kill all of her children along with the line of vampire. Making the world free of us all.

'Unbreakable Bond' Damon Salvatore Love Story. 'Epic Love Saga' (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now