Introducing You To Mr & Mrs Salvatore.....

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Damon P.O.V

Things had been really hectic over the last 6 days I never knew preparing for a wedding would actually be so stressful and I didn't actually doing anything. Siena looked more stressed out now than she was before she left to go to Denver with Stefan. I don't know what was wrong with her she was little edgy with me and filch at times when I would approach her and kiss her. I questioned her about it she put it down to stress and I think that what it may be. I just hope after the wedding will go down and we can enjoy married life. Starting off with our honeymoon which I'm extremely excited about. Spending lazy days by the pool admiring my sexy wife in her bikini. Let not forget consummating our marriage that part I'm hoping to do A LOT of. It was the start to our new life together and I know my life with Siena is never going to dull.

Ric and Stefan were a great help. They knew that I felt a little on edge about getting married not that I didn't want get married to Siena. After being a bachelor for over 145 years I'm committing myself to one lady. I admitted to Stefan that I was worry that something was going to mess this all up. Everything was to perfect I had this woman that I love and willing to make this huge commitment to me. I'm just waiting for something to burst my bubble. I was surprised that Stefan didn't really give me words of encouragement he just sat there and listen which was weird. Stefan always has something to say. I had notice a little tension between him and Elena. Maybe that why his head weren't in the game. I just wish they would both make up and go back to their loving ways as much as it annoyed me at times. They both were unhappy without each other.

Two days ago Chrizina and Tony had come from New York. For the first time in the last couple of weeks I saw Siena genuinely happy when she saw her mom and dad. We did offer for them to stay at the boarding house but they insisted to stay in hotel. Even how much Siena protested they weren't changing their minds. The night before the wedding Siena had invited over her parents over for family dinner along with the whole Scooby gang. It was actually an interesting night. The girls all went into another room to probably to talk about tomorrow. Thinking about tomorrow I can't wait to say those words to Siena 'I do'. Tony and Ric got on great. Tony thank him for looking out for Siena and being a good role model for her. Ric seemed a little touched by Tony comment considering the problems he had recently. To hear that it gave him hope that he was still Ric that the evil part of him hadn't changed Siena view on him. We were all in the library talking and drinking we heard the door open. Siena and Chrizina walked in Tony stood up with a beaming smile.

"il mia amore e la mia carina" He walked over to them. Siena smiled at her dad she really did love him to bits you could see that just by how she looks at him. Julian was right they were the right parents for her and without them knowing what she is they had protected her well.

"Dad I think you had a little too much of the old vino" Tony pinched her cheek which Siena didn't look overly impressed about. It was really sweet to see her like that with her parents. It's a side that we hadn't seen from her. To see Siena with her family and the way she behaved it wasn't the girl who had this dark fate. She was in those moments just a normal girl who was excited to be marrying the love of her life aka me.

"Carina. It's not every day that my only daughter getting married. I'm celebrating with the boys" He put his arm around her waist. Siena chuckled at her father comment then looked over at us. I just sat there admiring her with her father. I smiled at her she gave me a warm smile back. I just can't believe that this time tomorrow she will be my wife.

"Well gentlemen you all need to be leaving. Siena and the girls need a good night sleep" Chrizina announced Matt and Jeremy and Stefan all stood up and began to head for the door. "And you two" she said pointing at me and Ric. I looked at Ric and he shrugged his shoulders and got up.

'Unbreakable Bond' Damon Salvatore Love Story. 'Epic Love Saga' (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now