I Seriously Didn't See That Coming.....

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Siena P.O.V

When I woke up in the morning Damon was gone already. He hasn't really been himself from that night when everything screwed up. He didn't speak much about to be honest I didn't want to push him to talk either. Nic hadn't made any kind of move so maybe I was wrong about it all. I called Elena to see how she was as she had been just as worried as me with Nic making his move. She asked me if I wanted to join her for a jog. I had nothing better to do so I agreed to go with her. I got showered I came out of the bathroom and I went over to the bedside cabinet and picked up my phone. I looked up Damon number and called him. It rang and he didn't pick up. I know he not in the best of moods but he doesn't need to push me away. I opened new message and texted him.

Damon: Hey I notice you were gone already this morning. I'm just checking you're ok! Did call but you're either busy or you don't want to talk. So I guess I will hear from you later.... Love you xx

I'm not going to stress over Damon if he having one of his moments I'll leave him to it. I got changed into my jogging gear I don't think I've actually even worn these before. I left the house and got in the car and drove to Elena house. Elena was ready on the porch doing her stretches I got out of the car and walked towards her.

"Good Morning" she looked up and smiled. She had been a little better since Stefan had disappeared. I think not having him around made things a lot easier for her.

"Morning Siena. You ready for our run?" I frowned at her. Hold on did she say run? I agreed to going for a jog. Running is so not my thing I'll be out of breathe in a matter of minutes.

"You told me we are going jogging not running" Elena began to laugh as she skipped down the steps and began to jog. pretty fast may I add "I wouldn't of agreed to this if I knew we were running" I called out she turned her head and laughed. I began to run and try and catch up with her. We were jogging through Mystic Falls. Elena checks her watch to see what the time was. Then she turns around she looked a little nervous.

"Come on Siena" she smiled and began to run again. I rolled my eyes why was she determined to kill me today. I notice she turns back around and continued to run again. I looked round and I notice there was a man behind us. Elena turns a corner and speeds up. Jeez she being a bit paranoid. After a few minutes she stops running and looks behind her.

"Elena what going on?" I said while trying to catch my breath, she looked at me seriously what was up with her?

"I swear we were being followed" she said panting. I shook my head we began to walk she seemed to have calm down. She kept turned around I think she was being paranoid. With Nic coming back and the whole him not getting killed has her shaken up. Suddenly she walks straight into someone. I looked and it was the man who was behind us.

"Excuse me. Should have been watching where I was going" He smiled at Elena then looked at me and smiled. Where the hell did he come from? I swear he was behind us.

"Don't worry about it" Elena told him with a confused expression.

"Have a nice day ladies" He jogs away, Elena watches him go.

"Ok I think I deserve a very large strong drink after that" Elena began to laughed at me. We began to walked towards the grill it didn't take us long to get there. We walked in and Elena went to get us a table and I went to the bar and got myself a drink. I wasn't lying about I needed this. My drink was done in matter of seconds. I walked over and sat with Elena, we ordered breakfast and ate it. Bonnie came in and sat with us.

"I feel like I'm going crazy, totally paranoid all the time" Elena told us both at least she knew she was doing that. Cause today she was acting exactly like that.

'Unbreakable Bond' Damon Salvatore Love Story. 'Epic Love Saga' (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now